Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Í Túrett Og Moll - 2009

Artist: Stefán Karl Stefánsson 
Genre: Children’s Music 
Label: Sena

Track list

  1. Digga Digga Dú 
  2. Sumarfrí 
  3. Slúðurberi 
  4. Einmana Hljómsveit 
  5. Gnú 
  6. Pollamót 
  7. Grænmetisneitendur 
  8. Eru Ekki Allir Í Stuði 
  9. Léttlynda Löggan 
  10. Ekki Við Hæfi Barna 
  11. Þróunarkenningin 
  12. Nú Hárið er Sviðið 
  13. Afavísur 
  14. Einhver Annar En Ég Er 
Sites to listen to the album
  1. Amazon
  2. Icelandicmusic
  3. Spotify
  4. Apple Music
  5. Google Play
  6. Tidal

Stefán Karl with Stuðmenn Master Post

Stuðmenn are an Icelandic rock band founded in 1970 
at the Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð (a school)

“A song Stefan Karl wrote with Stuðmenn keyboard player Jakob Frímann Magnússon.” 
- from LazyTown Point

A song from the album “Með allt á hreinu” which was a tribute to a film with the same name which was has an album that was written and preformed by  Stuðmenn also with the same name ,This version of the album was preformed by “Land & Synir” featuring Stefán Karl.


“CL: Do you have any plans to work with “Stuðmenn” again?

   SK: Oh, with Stuðmenn! No, no plans of working more with Stuðmenn. There was one great summer with Stuðmenn. Ya know, they’ve been around for 30 years. And it was an honour to work with them. They are veterans - they’re institution in Icelandic pop music. So, ya know, standing next to Egill, who is the main singer, and Jakob, and those fantastic musicians - all of them - was just an honour, and ya know, a great way to spend my extra time when I was shooting LazyTown in Iceland, ya know. Alone, without my family waiting there - “What to do tonight? Oh, I go and play with Stuðmenn!” - So, it was great. I actually did write a song with them called “Reykjavík” - yeah, I wrote that song with Jakob, the keyboard player. And it’s actually to be found on the internet somewhere. It’s called “Reykjavík” - Stuðmenn and Stefán Karl - You can go on 

Taken from LazyTown Point

Litla hryllingsbúðin Album

“In Iceland , the Little Horror Store has been installed three times in professional theaters . Alongside these three updates, the music from the shows was released on discs / CDs . hryllingsbúðin has also been exhibited by amateur entertainment groups around the country, such as in primary and secondary schools .” 
from the Wiki page of “Litla hryllingsbúðin (söngleikur)” 

I have attempted at making a translation of the Icelandic “Dentist!” song or as it known as “Þú verður tannlæknir”

Original songs were translated from English to Icelandic by Gísli Rúnar Jónsson

Track List:

  1. Litla hryllingsbúðin
  2. Skítþró
  3. Dadú
  4. Lifnaðu við
  5. Það sem enginn veit
  6. Markús og sonur
  7. Þú verður tannlæknir
  8. Þar sem allt grær
  9. Gemmér
  10. Lokað vegna breytinga
  11. Snögglega Baldur
  12. Matarhlé
  13. Ritningin glöggt frá því greinir

Regína! Music Album

There was an album released for the Movie “Regína!” that also includes a song that doesn’t appear in the original English movie sung by Stefán Karl called “ Ástarljóð Atla” which roughly translates to “Atla’s Love song”.