Guð er til… og ástin - God exists… and Love
“The people of Fugley live a simple and calm life in an isolated world. But what happens when a famous pop star visits the island along with escorts? Two different worlds meet and when there is no one is there.”
- Released on the 4th of April 1999, Directed and written by Hilmar Oddsson
A secluded island where manners are simple, innocent and indisputable for the invasion of the world, like the pervasive pop star, Her cousin Nagla, the photographer Dussi and her sister Sigga, who produces lyrics and music but can not sing herself. On the island there are five characters; Palli (Stefán Karl) and Maggi, Stína Girlfriend, Stella Girlfriend, Palli handles the Cafe, Oddvitinn and Brynhildur, Drunk, Enlisted and Simple Teacher.
Now I don’t have any form of footage of this TV film but I have gathered some translated interviews and reviews of the film ,they’re long so I’ll leave them under a cut.
“The young actors showed good performance as future movie players, although they were equally well at home with their characters. The conversation was mostly written in a fun normal language, and the group did them well. You could easily have Egill Heiðar Anton Pálsson, Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir and Rúnar Freyr Gíslason accompanying the pop star. Familiar actors. Stína and Palli were sincere and beautiful in the actions of Maria Pálsdóttir and Stefán Karl Stefánsson, His friend Maggi was likely to be far more mad than he seemed to being played by Hinrik Hoe Haraldsson, but his sincerity shone. The teacher was single enough to be a woman with experience that Laufey Brá Jónsdóttir was not directly out of her mind, Magnús Ólafsson had a short gesture and had a good sense of understanding when Dussi photographed him over his artistic dreams.”
“Jóhanna Vigdís Arnardóttir was a great star, who looks at Palli and wants him, just as kids want kittens or puppies. Jóhanna Vigdis’ problem was that she was with a person the author of the story and her tone seemed to make her somewhat difficult. Thus, love’s desire became a bit embarrassing at the same time, the sincere thought of the person, but the author’s subjective opinion. It is hardly possible to note that the pop star is derived from the single Palli, and it can not be taken into account that the simplicity makes it clear unless it is quite seriously evolving and its own world is collapsed and not significant. The fact that he returns to his chest’s frame shows, first and foremost, the author’s obedience to the traditional end of such a story, rather than deepening the character in any way.”
“graduation group of the Icelandic Theater School plays all the roles outside of the Easter movie God exists… and love. Dóra Ósk Halldórsdóttir met Stephen Karl Stefánsson from the actor and was warned about nine days in January when the group was taking the film at Flatey on Breiðafjörður. “CHOOSING YOU to come to the Arctic,” the message was sent to eight students of the Student Theater before embarking on a film at Flatey in Breiðafjörður. Stefán Karl Stefánsson says that the message was well used, as the weather had a small amount of luck with the group during the stay.”
“We directed Hilmar Oddsson director in consultation with the school director of the Theater School to make a film with the Student Theater, and then we got Illuga Jökulsson to write the script,” says Stefán about the creation of the film. “We had put down some ideas on Illuga’s paper and agreed that we wanted to go to a country where we could work our peace and quiet, free from the madness of the city.”
And switch off the mobile phones?
“Yes, better. They do not even reach Breiðafjörður,” says Stefán.
“Flatey is a fabulous place, where two families live in a boat and some sheep production, and there are some sheep on the island too.” But the people in the island were delightful with us. We stayed at Vogi, the restaurant on the island. “
There has probably not been a meal here?
“Yes, yes. But the women from the island cooked us the food and we all agreed that we would rarely have ever had a good meal like this nine days.”
But if we turn around the subject of the film. Now, some of the images seem like the blood runs considerably.
“Yes, it is still the smallest excitement around the blood in this picture. The image is about confrontations of two different cultures. How the people of this Icelandic island, called the Fugley, live and stir in their world in calmness, away from grief and joy When a big star comes to the island along with her family and photographers Seen and heard for the purpose of getting a holiday in the island, these two different cultures meet, and this visit will change all those who come to life.”
Stefán plays the character who lives in the island Palli, but he and Stína, played by Maria Pálsdóttir, are “the character of Little Gun and Little Jón,” says Stefán. “They live there on Fugley, alongside the homemaker Maggi and Brynhildur, who is from the hippo trail, was teaching on the island at the time and has been up there. She missed another leg in the drive shaft of a tractor and there is a lot of sadness around her,” says Stefán. without wiping tears from the arms.
“These four people in the island have enough suffering every day, but when the city’s people come to the island, all the ecosystems of the island, both belonging and birdlife, are obscured,” says Stefán mysteriously. “Of course, one can not tell what happens, but to highlight the main focus of the film, it’s a love story that’s a comic bounce. A beautiful and thoughtful story about the people. But it’s all in this movie, love, hate, sex and violence," says Stefán and Smiles.
The group swept rooftops
But how were these nine days in Flatey.
"We took the picture up in January and when we arrived at the Flatey Islands, snow cover was all over the place and warm weather. Then we pick up a lot of things in the snow, but one day we wake up that all snow has gone.”
How was that then?
"We were shot at a meeting, but we were so busy that it was decided to direct the camcorder to the ground,” says Stefán, “because there had been no snow before. days later, and all the roofs of the houses were dumb bound with snow hangers. Then we had to sweep the rooftops, ”says Stefán, adding that the misfortune of the weather is probably the most difficult accompanying filmmakers in Iceland.
One big family
However, a dense weather did not affect the enjoyment of the film, because Stefán says that everyone who came close to the film, Hilmar Oddsson director, Ólafur Rögnvaldsson, a composer, Magnús Ólafsson, a guestbook, and others had rarely been as good mood around one picture as it was this nine winter days in Flatey. “We were like one big family,” says Stefán. “It’s very important in such work that works with emotions and works closely, because people are setting their hearts on the table, understanding and friendships are among all the people.”
So the race teams have stepped up further?
“Yes, although this was a rigorous work these days, you were still refreshed in town, as after a good relaxation, there’s a lot of tranquility. The only thing you hear is the cloak of nature. There’s no car sound or another city hub. In the island there are two tractors and two unused Lödur Sport and then one passenger car. We brought two cars with us and I think it has never been run as much on the island and these nine days, ”says Stefán.
98% Islanders Goodbye
But now there is a certain harmony with what you were doing on the island and the subject of the film. In both cases, the city’s people are moving into peaceful rural life.
“Of course, it was a little like that at first, but getting to Flatey Islands is a very special experience. It’s like opening doors to the people of the island-based island. It’s the feeling that you’re interfering with others but the people in Flatey are just so lovely people and the hospitality with variants that the feeling did not get long. We had a night out one Saturday night and all the islanders were with us and the guitar was picked up and sung and trolled. Then Magnús said a farmer on the island to me now, 98% of all people in the island are welcome, ”says Stefán and laughs. “This is such a small community.”
Otherwise, Flateyingar is not unusual film makers on the island because several months before, Guðný Halldórsdóttir was recording the film Miss Good and the House, and other films have been recorded in the island, such as the TV series about Nonni and Manni several years ago. “One woman on the island told me that this movie album was a lifelong for their life in winter, because there’s hardly anybody except during the summer. This is a great isolation in this community, especially in winter, but at the same time it is wonderful to be I might think of living in Flatey. ”
You have not found any home page in the island to make the dream come true?
“No, it was not now,” says Stefán.
Like to be in paradise
But did you see any of the wildlife of the island? Were you crazy about your grip?
“No, I really did not see any dogs, but I saw two rays of goodness on the beach at one time. I decided to walk around one day when I was not able to. I experienced this beauty of the beauty and tranquility of this I sat down to the beach and watched the brim and there I saw two seals playing in the ocean. I suddenly felt like I was in paradise at this moment that I had with myself and the island. felt the island became like an independent character. ”
Flatey’s performances were unsuccessful, and Stefán says he does not believe anything else, but they have put Icelandsmet in a number of fashion moments in this short period of time. “We would never have done as much here in town and out there in Flatey,” he says. “The film is 73 minutes in the final scene, and it was about 80 minutes in length or a movie length. And taking a picture of this length in 14 days must be a record.”
The journey home from Flatey did not go smoothly, according to Stefán. “It was such a crazy weather when we started to wonder if we were able to pick up the cars and put on the ferry Baldur. I think I never had a lifetime in a lifetime. The boat was locked and the car on the tire. stood on the stairs on the tire deck all the time, both to be no seaweed and the same to experience these sky-high waves riding the boat. Hilmar Oddsson was on the board at the other end of the boat. I call him to come over to the back because there Hilmar walked over the boat. Hilmar starts off, but at the same time, the boat sits on the side I am on, and Hilmar whipped the guys aside from the tire as it was on the Titanic. We have just tasted the story and said I was able to grab him before he fell outside. And save Icelandic film history, "says Stefán laughingly, adding dramatically.” I held him in my arms and even said, “before the laugh reaches the upper hand.
Great experience
There are usually three performances a year at the Student Theater, but the film God exists … and the love is done instead of one of the winter’s performances. "It’s very positive for us as a winning actor to get this experience in front of the movie makers,” says Stefán.
But does it not become necessary for actors to get this experience?
“Yes, this is the development in today’s society. It’s a joke in Icelandic film and television production.” So increasing this part of the school is a true development that reflects society. This is no less training than playing in the field, just completely different and is governed by other laws. “
Is not it hard to graduate after being so close to the class?
"I think it’s got to be a similar feeling when one of our eldest brother goes home. We’ve been in four years like eight siblings in one family. We’ve decided to meet everyone, maybe down to the beach, at the graduation day and say goodbye to these four years, but I completely admit that it will be difficult. Many actors have told me that the drama school years are the best years, and I think so well. It’s almost half way to talk about it, ”says Stefan.
Source: https://www.mbl.is/greinasafn/grein/459262/
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