“Stefán chat from late 2008″
I’m mainly making a post about this here so I can archive it and well share it with others since it’s interesting , grabbed it from here LazytownRpg originally it was on the Lazytown LiveJournal Group.
“After the whole issue in the summer of 2008 where we feared Stefan wouldn’t be returning to the role of Robbie Rotten, one of the moderators for the Lazy Town LiveJournal group made contact with him and his wife to arrange an IRC chat with him to answer questions concerning his role, career, and future plans.
I just found that I had made a copy of it and thought everyone here would like to read it. (I apologise for my own lame question, because all the ones I would have asked had been.)”
I just found that I had made a copy of it and thought everyone here would like to read it. (I apologise for my own lame question, because all the ones I would have asked had been.)”
Whole interview undercut
01[15:05] <@Razoth> Alright, Burt. You are the first.
[15:06] <+steinunn> hi everyone
01[15:06] <@Razoth> Only Burt can talk in here right now. XD
[15:06] <+STEFANKARL> Hi all :)
[15:06] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[15:07] <+STEFANKARL> I’ll wait
01[15:07] <@Razoth> They also have a question - is 1 hour pretty set? Some people will be late and people are worried about whether we’ll get through everyone’s questions.
01[15:07] <@Razoth> Burt, feel free to go ahead and start with yours.
[15:07] <+steinunn> we´ll do the best we can…
[15:07] <+STEFANKARL> yes Burt, shoot
[15:07] <+burt> Hi, Stefan, Steinunn, Olina, and family. How long have you lived in California, and why did decide to you go there?
[15:08] <+STEFANKARL> We have lived here for almost 4 years now, and we love it
[15:08] <+STEFANKARL> we just wanted the change
[15:08] <+burt> OK, Stefan, do you have any pets other than Olina?
[15:09] <+STEFANKARL> thawing after years of frost
[15:09] <+STEFANKARL> no not any more
01[15:09] <@Razoth> No pets anymore?
[15:09] <+STEFANKARL> the bird olina is with a foster family in iceland+
01[15:10] <@Razoth> Oooh. ;_;
[15:10] <+burt> Ok, a fun one…To Robbie: why are you so mean to the kids in Lazytown when they saved your butt in “Lazy Genieâ€�?
[15:10] <+STEFANKARL> I’ve had dogs and cats too, but not anymore
[15:11] <+STEFANKARL> Robbie is never mean, he just dosn’t know any better! :-/
01[15:11] <@Razoth> (To add the the California question, why did you pick California over, say New York? I have relatives that picked NYC to be near their agents for theater auditioning.)
[15:12] <+STEFANKARL> We stayed in NY before coming top CA, just checking it out. We found CA better place for our children and the weather is great! I have agents on both coasts
01[15:13] <@Razoth> Ah. :)
01[15:13] <@Razoth> Burt, any more?
[15:13] <+burt> Steinunn, have you released any albums singing?
[15:14] <+steinunn> no solo albums but i have been on quite a few back in icy land
[15:14] <+burt> Ok, I’ll finish for now…. next punter
[15:14] <+STEFANKARL> grat talking to you
[15:14] <+STEFANKARL> great, sorry
[15:15] <+burt> right back at ya!
01[15:15] <@Razoth> I was going to ask… regarding recordings (both musical and video), a lot of your works don’t seem to be available to purchase outside of Iceland. Any plans or ways to get them in other countries?
[15:15] <+STEFANKARL> :-)
[15:16] <+sedyn> Hi :)
[15:16] <+sedyn> Here’s my question. During the song “Good to be Badâ€� Robbie disappears in one spot and reappears in another. Is there a reason for that? Who thought of this and why?
[15:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m working on building a fanclub and I hope that they will be avalible there
01[15:16] <@Razoth> Yaaaaay. I had to do crazy things to get Regina in English, and that’s all I’ve been able to get.
[15:17] <+steinunn> regina was shot in english and icelandic
[15:18] <+STEFANKARL> Well, it’s just one of these things that happen in the development of a scene. In the original musical I changed costumes four times during the Robbie song, so we where trying to do that in the new TV song as well.
01[15:18] <@Razoth> I know, I wanted the Icelandic version. XD I’m hoping to see your other films someday. Both of you.
[15:18] <+STEFANKARL> you will, I hope
[15:18] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:18] <+STEFANKARL> Where in the World are you?
[15:18] <+STEFANKARL> all of you?
01[15:19] <@Razoth> Me, or everybody in here? All over the place.
01[15:19] <@Razoth> I’m putting together a map of where all the fans are.
[15:19] <+STEFANKARL> ok, great
01[15:19] <@Razoth> I’ll show you sometime. :)
[15:19] <+steinunn> fantastic
[15:19] <+STEFANKARL> :-)
[15:19] <+steinunn> great
01[15:19] <@Razoth> Sedyn, any more questions?
[15:19] <+sedyn> yes
[15:20] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[15:20] <+sedyn> What is your favourite Lazytown episode and which one was the most challenging?
[15:21] <+STEFANKARL> Miss Roberta and School Scam are my favorite. The most challenging one was Rottenbeard, I had to learn to talk like a pirate in one day! I only know how to talk like a Viking! :)
[15:21] <+steinunn> rotten beard is my all time fav
01[15:21] <@Razoth> That is a fun one. :)
[15:21] <+STEFANKARL> thank you Steina
[15:21] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:21] <+sedyn> it’s among my favourites, too
[15:21] <+steinunn> funniest by far
[15:21] <+sedyn> Ok, I’m done. Thanks for chatting with us :)
[15:21] <+STEFANKARL> What is your favorite?
[15:22] <+sedyn> Dancing Dreams :)
[15:22] <+STEFANKARL> ok, great talking to you too
[15:22] <+STEFANKARL> hahahah, ok
[15:22] <+steinunn> hahah
01[15:22] <@Razoth> Sportacus Who is one of my favorites, and Rottenbeard. And also Defeeted, but that’s because it’s the first episode I ever saw. Everyone here has their own favorites. :)
[15:23] <+STEFANKARL> hi merlin55
[15:23] <+merlin55> hello Stefan
[15:23] <+STEFANKARL> :-)
[15:23] <+steinunn> hi merlin
[15:23] <+merlin55> Hello steinuun
01[15:24] <@Razoth> Go ahead and ask, Merlin. XD
[15:24] <+merlin55> I heard somewhere Stefan, that you were possibly having an onstage comedy routine in Los Angeles? any truth to this?
[15:24] <+STEFANKARL> I woun’t bite
[15:25] <+STEFANKARL> no, not at this point. But you never know. I’m working on all kinds on ideas. No stand-up in the pipes
[15:26] <+merlin55> also, what do you think about all the jokes they put in the series in reference to the stageplays?
[15:26] <+STEFANKARL> come again????
[15:27] <+steinunn> lazytown stageplay?
[15:27] <+merlin55> The original latibaer plays
01[15:27] <@Razoth> Afram Latibaer and Glanni Glaepur i Latabae.
[15:27] <+STEFANKARL> oh, ok. I think it’s fine. The original stage play is the first time Robbie Rotten was seen.
[15:27] <+merlin55> Music from them being re-used in the series, Sportacus being called an “Elf” etc.
[15:28] <+STEFANKARL> ok, yes. Mani (the composer) did a great job, don’t yopu think?
01[15:28] <@Razoth> Very much so.
[15:28] <+merlin55> Yes. His music is wonderful.
[15:28] <+steinunn> sportacus is an elf:)
[15:28] <+STEFANKARL> Well, Sportacus is an ELF :) A jumping Elf!!!!
[15:29] <+STEFANKARL> hehhe
01[15:29] <@Razoth> Yes, I was going to ask about that. Besides references to the original stage plays….
[15:29] <+steinunn> his name in icelandic is i©‚rottaalfurinn aka sports elf
[15:29] <+merlin55> That’s all for my questions for now. Thankyou both.
[15:29] <+STEFANKARL> thank you too, come again soon
01[15:29] <@Razoth> There seems to be all sorts of hints that Sportacus is a Light elf (Ljosalfar) and Robbie/Glanni is a Dark Elf.
[15:29] <+steinunn> thank you merlin
[15:29] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[15:30] <@Razoth> Did they do all that on purpose? What do you think of it? XD
[15:30] <+STEFANKARL> hi solarcat
[15:30] <+SolarCat> hi!
[15:30] <+steinunn> hi
[15:30] <+STEFANKARL> how are yo doing?
[15:31] <+SolarCat> I’m doing great!
[15:31] <+STEFANKARL> Great. Questions?
[15:31] <+SolarCat> Um, I confess, I don’t really have a question, but I would like to take the chance to say that I really love the show
01[15:31] <@Razoth> ^_^
[15:31] <+SolarCat> and thank you so much for taking this time to talk to the fans. ^^
[15:31] <+STEFANKARL> Thank you
[15:32] <+STEFANKARL> It’s fun, right?
[15:32] <+SolarCat> Definitely! ^^
[15:32] <+STEFANKARL> What’s you favorite episode?
[15:32] <+SolarCat> Oh, definitely Rottenbeard. XD
[15:32] <+STEFANKARL> mine is Miss Roberta and Rottenbeard. Great
[15:32] <+steinunn> go rottenbeard
01[15:32] <@Razoth> heheh
[15:32] <+SolarCat> I feel bad taking up time from the folks with questions, though, so I’ll pass it on to the next one in line
[15:32] <+SolarCat> Again, thanks so much! =D
[15:33] <+STEFANKARL> Go, Ken Pontac who wrote that wrote
[15:33] <+STEFANKARL> bye
[15:33] <+STEFANKARL> Hi Kelly
[15:33] <+steinunn> hi kelly
[15:33] <+Kelly_Holden> Hi.
[15:33] <+steinunn> ru in the us?
01[15:34] <@Razoth> She’s in Australia.
[15:34] <+Kelly_Holden> No, I’m an Aussie.
01[15:34] <@Razoth> X3
[15:34] <+STEFANKARL> ok, that’s long way from here
[15:34] <+steinunn> oh i want to visit the kangoorooooos
[15:34] <+STEFANKARL> And Steve Ervin
[15:34] <+Kelly_Holden> I petted one when I was a kid. At the zoo.
[15:34] <+steinunn> stefan!
[15:35] <+STEFANKARL> sorry, just joking
[15:35] <+Kelly_Holden> Sorry, we’re here to talk about you.
[15:35] <+steinunn> apparently they are aggressive buggars
01[15:35] <@Razoth> XD
[15:35] <+STEFANKARL> hahahaha, ok shoot
[15:35] <+Kelly_Holden> I can’t think of anything. next person.
[15:36] <+STEFANKARL> :-)
01[15:36] <@Razoth> Wow. o.o; Ok. If you change your mind, let me know.
03[15:36] * Razoth sets mode: -v Kelly_Holden
03[15:36] * Razoth sets mode: +v Shinjuchan
[15:36] <+Shinjuchan> I’m here
[15:36] <+STEFANKARL> hi
[15:36] <+steinunn> hi
01[15:36] <@Razoth> Shinju, you’re up. Shinju is the one that made that wonderful art for you.
01[15:36] <@Razoth> The two pieces I showed Steinunn.
[15:36] <+STEFANKARL> thank you so uch, you are so talented
[15:36] <+steinunn> you are a great artist shinju
[15:36] <+STEFANKARL> I know, I saw it
[15:37] <+Shinjuchan> Stephan and Steinunn. Let me first say thank you for the opportunity to talk
[15:37] <+Shinjuchan> My children are going crazy now
[15:37] <+STEFANKARL> great job. Send me some more. I’ll put it on my fan club site
[15:37] <+Shinjuchan> Oh yes!
[15:37] <+STEFANKARL> ok, I understand
[15:37] <+Shinjuchan> I’m not sure if you know, but I’m the one who drew the ‘Jubilation’ artwork for you when I honestly thought you were leaving.
[15:37] <+Shinjuchan> I had quite literally stopped everything I was working on just to do that because I wanted you to know just how much we really would have missed you.
[15:37] <+STEFANKARL> There is an on/off button on the back of my children. :)
01[15:38] <@Razoth> XD
[15:38] <+Shinjuchan> If there’s one good thing to say about that whole experience it’s that you can now be positively CERTAIN that your impact on so, so many people is a true and genuine one.
[15:38] <+Shinjuchan> I wish mine had some.
[15:38] <+STEFANKARL> hahahah
[15:38] <+Shinjuchan> My youngest, Vada is special. She just loves the show so very much
01[15:38] <@Razoth> Yes. You probably don’t know this, but I have NEVER had so many people send me panicked notes after they thought you were leaving the show.
[15:39] <+STEFANKARL> thank you for your kind words
[15:39] <+Shinjuchan> To answer your question. Yes. I’d love to do art for you
[15:39] <+Shinjuchan> It was awful. My daughter Vada cried 3 quarters of the night
[15:39] <+Shinjuchan> No kidding
[15:40] <+STEFANKARL> Tell here that Robbie Rotten lives forever on DVD :)
[15:40] <+STEFANKARL> hahahah
[15:40] <+Shinjuchan> So I drew the picture of Robbie coming back w/ his suitcase and she was all better
[15:40] <+STEFANKARL> I’m still here
01[15:40] <@Razoth> I had more responses than I could count of people telling me the show just wouldn’t be watchable without you playing the character.
[15:40] <+Shinjuchan> It wouldn’t be.
[15:40] <+STEFANKARL> thank you
[15:40] <+Shinjuchan> Okay my kids are demanding questions.
[15:40] <+Shinjuchan> lol
[15:40] <+STEFANKARL> ok shoot
[15:41] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:41] <+Shinjuchan> My daughter has a cow she wants to give you. (My eldest, Jewel)
[15:41] <+STEFANKARL> a cow
[15:41] <+Shinjuchan> She named it Robbie because it’s purple
[15:41] <+steinunn> hahahah
01[15:41] <@Razoth> XD A stuffed animal cow?
[15:41] <+STEFANKARL> hahahahahahahahahahaha
[15:41] <+STEFANKARL> i love it
[15:41] <+Shinjuchan> She wants to know what the deal is w/ the cows?
[15:41] <+Shinjuchan> lol
[15:42] <+Shinjuchan> Oh yeah sure. A real one for ya
[15:42] <+Shinjuchan> You won’t need to buy our expensive milk anymore
01[15:42] <@Razoth> XD
[15:43] <+STEFANKARL> Well, Robbie thought that no one would know where the lair is if he would paint cows on it
[15:43] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:43] <+Shinjuchan> Jewel says that you are her favorite
[15:43] <+STEFANKARL> thank you so much
[15:43] <+Shinjuchan> Vada on the other hands keeps asking where the elf is
[15:43] <+Shinjuchan> hahahah
[15:43] <+STEFANKARL> Oh, the jumping kangaro
[15:43] <+STEFANKARL> he’s in Iceland
[15:43] <+Shinjuchan> Yes
[15:44] <+Shinjuchan> hehee
[15:44] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:44] <+STEFANKARL> next question
[15:44] <+Shinjuchan> Okay. Question about Number #9. It seems from the first episode like you knew him because you said ‘Another one’ when you saw #10. Did you know #9
[15:45] <+Shinjuchan> My kids are convinced he’s Sportacus’ old man
[15:45] <+Shinjuchan> (I do too, but that’s besides the point)
[15:45] <+STEFANKARL> There was nr #9 before Sportacuse #10. Robbie’s family has been fighting these elfs for hundreds of years
[15:46] <+Shinjuchan> LOL
[15:46] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:46] <+Shinjuchan> You know I did a short Story where he came for a visit
01[15:46] <@Razoth> XD
[15:46] <+STEFANKARL> I’m loving it
[15:46] <+Shinjuchan> I included pictures even
[15:46] <+Shinjuchan> I ought to get them to Raz to give to you
[15:46] <+STEFANKARL> Sounds good
[15:47] <+STEFANKARL> ok, I look forward to getting it
01[15:47] <@Razoth> :) Sure.
[15:47] <+STEFANKARL> thank you
[15:47] <+Shinjuchan> Sorry to say that Robbie went crazy in it though
01[15:47] <@Razoth> XD Too many elves.
[15:47] <+Shinjuchan> NOOOOOO! TWO OF THEMMMMMMMM NOoooooooo
[15:47] <+Shinjuchan> lol
[15:47] <+STEFANKARL> hahaha, he always does
[15:47] <+Shinjuchan> My daughter Jewel wants to know what your favorite cake is?
[15:47] <+STEFANKARL> Carrot Cake.
[15:47] <+Shinjuchan> And would you eat CARROT cake?
01[15:48] <@Razoth> AHAHAH.
[15:48] <+steinunn> he bakes it himself
[15:48] <+Shinjuchan> Oh God .. jinx
[15:48] <+STEFANKARL> oh, yes, any cake
[15:48] <+Shinjuchan> Your favorite episode? (Vada)
[15:48] <+STEFANKARL> Miss Roberta and Rottenbeard
01[15:48] <@Razoth> That happened already, Shinju. XD
[15:48] <+Shinjuchan> (Sorry for all the questions but I have two youngens
01[15:48] <@Razoth> That’s ok.
[15:48] <+STEFANKARL> hahaha
[15:49] <+Shinjuchan> They’re asking too
[15:49] <+STEFANKARL> I have four so I understand
06[15:49] * @Razoth has tons of questions herself.
[15:49] <+Shinjuchan> Dear me.
[15:49] <+STEFANKARL> fine shoot them all
[15:49] <+Shinjuchan> Oh Noooo
[15:49] <+STEFANKARL> hehe
01[15:49] <@Razoth> XD
01[15:49] <@Razoth> More questions, Shinju?
[15:49] <+Shinjuchan> Will be seeing anymore LT or is USA banned from it. *l*
[15:50] <+Shinjuchan> (I’m beginning to wonder)
[15:50] <+STEFANKARL> Can’t answer this.
[15:50] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:50] <+Shinjuchan> Eh. I understand.
[15:50] <+STEFANKARL> cool
[15:51] <+Shinjuchan> I’ll let my daughter type the last question and then we can share this time w// another
[15:51] <+STEFANKARL> I’ll let you all know when I open www.stefankarlfanclub.com You can get all the news from there soon
[15:51] <+STEFANKARL> ok
01[15:51] <@Razoth> ^_^
[15:51] <+Shinjuchan> Hi Robbie this is Jewel. I wanted to ask you if your big orange fluffy chair is really comfy, cause it looks like it. If so, where can I get one ^-^
[15:52] <+STEFANKARL> I LOVE MY CHAIR. I don’t know if you can buy one but if you ever come to Lazy Town I’ll let you try it. :)
01[15:52] <@Razoth> X3 I so gotta do that.
[15:52] <+Shinjuchan> You just made her day
06[15:52] * @Razoth flails. X3
[15:52] <+Shinjuchan> She went Squeeeeeeeeeee
[15:52] <+STEFANKARL> and she made my day too
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> me too
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> hahaha
[15:53] <+Shinjuchan> Oh now she’s really happy
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> great
01[15:53] <@Razoth> heheh
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> That’s how we should feel every day!
[15:53] <+Shinjuchan> Well then thank you both for the time. And I’m honored about the art
01[15:53] <@Razoth> ^_^
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> me too, and you’ll send me some more, as much as possible!
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> Buy
[15:54] <+STEFANKARL> I mead by
[15:54] <+STEFANKARL> hihihi
[15:54] <+SoulLostAtSea> Woah…
[15:54] <+SoulLostAtSea> Hello! It’s a pleasure to meet you!
[15:54] <+SoulLostAtSea> Both of you!
[15:54] <+STEFANKARL> The plesure is all mine
[15:54] <+STEFANKARL> how are you
[15:54] <+SoulLostAtSea> AAAHH!!! I’m shaking!! I’m sorry!!
[15:54] <+STEFANKARL> hahahaha
[15:55] <+SoulLostAtSea> I’m actually talking to Stefan Karl!! This REALLY is an honour!
[15:55] <+steinunn> hi there
[15:55] <+SoulLostAtSea> Hello!!
[15:55] <+SoulLostAtSea> SQUEEEE!!
[15:55] <+STEFANKARL> Yes, it’s me!!!!! LOL
[15:55] <+SoulLostAtSea> THIS IS AMAZING!!
[15:55] <+STEFANKARL> Well, it’s the internet!
[15:55] <+SoulLostAtSea> Oh right! Questions!!
[15:55] <+STEFANKARL> sooh
01[15:55] <@Razoth> Go Internet! :D
[15:55] <+STEFANKARL> shoot, sorry
[15:56] <+SoulLostAtSea> I haven’t really had time to think of any “detailed questions”, so I’ll start with a simple one: what is your favourite Robbie Rotten outfit?
[15:56] <+STEFANKARL> Miss Roberta’s dress! hahaha
[15:56] <+STEFANKARL> Not the carrot, that I can tell you
01[15:57] <@Razoth> XD
[15:57] <+SoulLostAtSea> Hehe! A rather nice dress, if you ask me! I was quite fond of that one too! :) Any particular reason why you like it?
01[15:57] <@Razoth> The Birthday Fairy is another favorite. Everyone else wants a Birthday Fairy at their party, now. XD
[15:57] <+STEFANKARL> I just found it funny, womans dress.
[15:57] <+SoulLostAtSea> I know I do! XD
[15:58] <+SoulLostAtSea> It suits you very well!
[15:58] <+steinunn> hahaha
01[15:58] <@Razoth> XD
[15:58] <+SoulLostAtSea> HEEHEE!!
[15:58] <+SoulLostAtSea> Right… another question…
[15:58] <+STEFANKARL> yes
[15:59] <+SoulLostAtSea> What’s it like working with Magnus? What’s he like?
[16:00] <+STEFANKARL> Magnus and I have known each other for 10 years. He’s a good friend.
[16:00] <+STEFANKARL> Very active and get’s things going
[16:00] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:00] <+STEFANKARL> like elfs do! hahaha
01[16:00] <@Razoth> Is his energy and…uh…. DRIVE to have people work hard… ever challenging or frustrating?
[16:00] <+SoulLostAtSea> How did you first meet Magnus?
[16:01] <+STEFANKARL> No not frustrating but sometimes challenging, I’m very active my self. We met in London first 10 year ago
[16:01] <+STEFANKARL> He told me all about Lazy Town and we have worked togather since then
[16:02] <+STEFANKARL> that story is still being written….
01[16:02] <@Razoth> XD
[16:02] <+SoulLostAtSea> Is the character of Robbie Rotten based on anyone in particular?
01[16:02] <@Razoth> IS it true that you met because you were the only non-alcohol-drinkers at that place?
[16:02] <+STEFANKARL> While E. Cayote
01[16:02] <@Razoth> heheh
[16:02] <+STEFANKARL> my favorite from WB
[16:03] <+STEFANKARL> true
[16:03] <+STEFANKARL> but also because we knew of each other.
[16:03] <+SoulLostAtSea> I’ve never noticed how similar they are! They NEVER get their own way and they always seek to get rid of their “enemies”, in this case, Sportacus and the Road Runner!
01[16:03] <@Razoth> Ok, Soul, I think we need to switch to the next person to fit everyone in. >_> We’re already at 1 hour. And I have lots of questions too. XD;
[16:04] <+SoulLostAtSea> Okay… two FINAL questions!
01[16:04] <@Razoth> Ok.
[16:04] <+SoulLostAtSea> These will be the most random!
[16:04] <+SoulLostAtSea> Favourite colour and favourite animal! XD
[16:04] <+STEFANKARL> Blue / Sharks
01[16:04] <@Razoth> heheh
[16:04] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:05] <@Razoth> Go oh, Melissa. ^_^
[16:05] <+STEFANKARL> hi melissaivory
[16:05] <+melissaIvory> hello, and thank you for coming to chat with us.
[16:05] <+STEFANKARL> my plesure
[16:05] <+steinunn> hi
01[16:05] <@Razoth> (Soul says it was a pleasure to speak to you both.)
[16:06] <+steinunn> thanks
[16:06] <+STEFANKARL> ditto
[16:06] <+melissaIvory> how do you feel about the lack of merchandise of Robbie? (this is from my friend in England, who can’t be here.)
[16:07] <+STEFANKARL> Well i think it’s being made now. I would love to see some more
01[16:07] <@Razoth> And the fact we all import the action figure of Robbie from England only to find out he doesn’t have your voice. -.-
01[16:07] <@Razoth> Grr.
[16:07] <+melissaIvory> personally, i collect plushies, so that’s what i’m hoping to see.
[16:08] <+STEFANKARL> Well Fisher Price made this toy.
[16:08] <+melissaIvory> alright, next question…
[16:08] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[16:09] <+melissaIvory> how do you like living on the West Coast?
[16:09] <+melissaIvory> i know how crazy the weather can be here.
[16:09] <+STEFANKARL> love it, hot!
[16:09] <+STEFANKARL> Not lile Iceland
[16:09] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:09] <+STEFANKARL> like, sorry
[16:10] <+melissaIvory> it doesn’t get so hot for me in WA, but we do have our fair amount of rain…
[16:10] <+STEFANKARL> Ok, well you would do great in Iceland
[16:10] <+STEFANKARL> rains a lot
[16:10] <+melissaIvory> i really don’t like the rain though… but i don’t think i could ever move.
[16:11] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:11] <+melissaIvory> anywho! thank you both for coming, and that’s all i had to ask.
[16:11] <+STEFANKARL> great talking with you
[16:11] <+STEFANKARL> hi dreamanit
[16:11] <+DreamAnit> Hi there, Stefan, Steinunn. I’m Anita, from Chile (southamerica).
[16:11] <+STEFANKARL> hihihi, Chile, woh
[16:12] <+steinunn> ola senorita
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> Yeah, pretty far away, uh?
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> ^_^
[16:12] <+steinunn> que pasa?
[16:12] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> Hablas español!!!
01[16:12] <@Razoth> We’ve got fans all over the world, yes!
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> That’s great!
[16:12] <+steinunn> poquito
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> Muy bien!!
[16:12] <+STEFANKARL> not me
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> Well, you can always learn.
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> XD
01[16:12] <@Razoth> I speak Spanish and help out. XD
[16:12] <+steinunn> el comprende mucho
[16:13] <+DreamAnit> Excelente!
[16:13] <+STEFANKARL> si
[16:13] <+DreamAnit> Well, I have three questions…
[16:13] <+STEFANKARL> ok shoot
[16:13] <+DreamAnit> One: Robbie is “the lazyest man in town”, but he’s always jumping, dancing or climbing. Besides, he wears disguises that don’t seem very comfortable (giant carrot, for example… XD). Would you say it’s a physically exhausting role?
[16:14] <+STEFANKARL> yes. Why do you think Robbie is so thin?
[16:14] <+STEFANKARL> He moves a lot
01[16:14] <@Razoth> XD
[16:14] <+DreamAnit> LOL.
[16:14] <+DreamAnit> Second question.
[16:14] <+STEFANKARL> but it’s just fun, fun, fun to do. To come to work every day to see Robbie! I love it
01[16:14] <@Razoth> X3
[16:15] <+STEFANKARL> next question
[16:15] <+DreamAnit> Well, everbody loves Robbie!! What’s not to love? He sits and watch TV all day and he eats cake.
[16:15] <+DreamAnit> That’s a great life!!
[16:15] <+DreamAnit> XD
01[16:15] <@Razoth> heheh
[16:15] <+steinunn> true
[16:15] <+DreamAnit> Next question now. ^_^
[16:15] <+STEFANKARL> true
[16:15] <+DreamAnit> As an actor, what do you think is more difficult: To make people laugh or to make people cry?
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> difficult question, let me thing….
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> think….
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m thinking……
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m thinking……
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m thinking……
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m thinking……
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m thinking……
01[16:16] <@Razoth> XD
[16:16] <+DreamAnit> Think… think… that sounds familiar!!! XD
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> hehehe
06[16:16] * @Razoth makes the accompanying hand gestures. XD
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> Laugh, deffinetly
[16:16] <+DreamAnit> Why?
[16:17] <+STEFANKARL> Dying is easy but comedy is hard.
[16:17] <+DreamAnit> Yeah, I think I understand that.
[16:17] <+DreamAnit> Last question now.
[16:18] <+DreamAnit> What is more fulfilling for you: to sing or to act?
[16:18] <+STEFANKARL> Both at the same time. Musical is my favorite! But if I had to choose one, Acting.
[16:18] <+DreamAnit> Yeah, and in Lazytown you can do both!
[16:18] <+DreamAnit> ^_^
[16:18] <+STEFANKARL> yes
[16:18] <+STEFANKARL> love it
01[16:19] <@Razoth> ^_^ Ok, Spork is up next.
[16:19] <+STEFANKARL> Thank you for you questions, great talking to you!
[16:19] <+DreamAnit> Well, that’s all from me.
[16:19] <+STEFANKARL> hi spork
01[16:19] <@Razoth> (Sorry we still have so many questions. How are we doing on time with you guys?)
[16:19] <+steinunn> hi
[16:19] <+tehsp0rk> Hello! Thank you so much for chatting with us. I’m spork, or Amanda, from New York.
[16:19] <+STEFANKARL> fine
[16:19] <+STEFANKARL> Hi, NY that’s great
[16:20] <+tehsp0rk> Hmm…first question. Do you think Robbie is really bad or just misunderstood? :D
[16:20] <+STEFANKARL> misunderstood, deffinatly!
[16:20] <+tehsp0rk> I think we all agree on that :)
[16:20] <+STEFANKARL> hehehe
01[16:21] <@Razoth> ^_^
[16:21] <+tehsp0rk> Second…what’s the funniest or strangest thing that’s happened to you on the set?
[16:21] <+STEFANKARL> When I lost my teeth and it hit the cameraman
01[16:22] <@Razoth> XD Wow.
[16:22] <+STEFANKARL> in the middle of a song!
[16:22] <+tehsp0rk> Haha! I hope it was fake teeth.
[16:22] <+STEFANKARL> yes, LOL
[16:22] <+STEFANKARL> next question
[16:23] <+tehsp0rk> And lastly, so I don’t hog all the time…what do you think about Lazytown having so many fans that aren’t kids? People from all age groups seem to love it.
[16:24] <+STEFANKARL> That’s just great. The show is for all age groups. I think it’s also because it’s a unique show from a different country
[16:24] <+tehsp0rk> Very unique show :)
[16:24] <+STEFANKARL> yes
[16:25] <+Estefanie> Hi, Stefan!!! OMG!
[16:25] <+STEFANKARL> hi
[16:25] <+Estefanie> Hi Steinunn =)
[16:25] <+tehsp0rk> Thank you!
[16:25] <+STEFANKARL> u2
[16:25] <+steinunn> ola estefanie
[16:25] <+Estefanie> I’m Mónica from Perú, Thank you for all the joy and fun that you give us, I love the show FOREVER!!! *Robbie voice* :D
[16:26] <+STEFANKARL> thank you.
[16:26] <+Estefanie> My questions is: What films and TV shows did you like when you were a kid?
[16:26] <+STEFANKARL> hahaha
[16:26] <+Estefanie> Who are your main acting influences?
[16:26] <+STEFANKARL> The Muppet Show was my favorite,
[16:26] <+STEFANKARL> Film: Goonies
[16:27] <+Estefanie> Awww I see the Muppets too =D
[16:27] <+Estefanie> One for you Steinunn : =)
[16:27] <+Estefanie> Do you think that Stefan looks more sexy with the beard pirate (Rottenbeard)? or without it?
[16:27] <+Estefanie> =)
06[16:27] * @Razoth will be right back!
[16:27] <+STEFANKARL> My main acting influence came from many actors. I just love waching good acting.
[16:27] <+STEFANKARL> hahahah, Steina?
[16:28] <+steinunn> stefan is always very handsome LOL
[16:28] <+STEFANKARL> Ohhh, you are just saying it….
[16:28] <+Estefanie> LOL I know!
[16:28] <+STEFANKARL> lol
[16:28] <+STEFANKARL> STOP this sexy thing, it’s a kid’s show
[16:28] <+STEFANKARL> hahaha
[16:28] <+Estefanie> XDXDXD
[16:28] <+steinunn> to beard or not to beard?
[16:28] <+Estefanie> FROM MY lil daughter:
[16:29] <+Estefanie> both!
[16:29] <+Estefanie> :D
[16:29] <+Estefanie> but he is the most sexy pirate! =D
[16:29] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[16:29] <+STEFANKARL> :)
06[16:29] * @Razoth is back.
[16:29] <+Estefanie> The questions from my daughter…Why Robbie does not like milk?
[16:29] <+Estefanie> Although I have not seen to Sportacus drinking the milk…
[16:30] <+STEFANKARL> Robbi hates everything that is healthy
[16:30] <+STEFANKARL> .
01[16:30] <@Razoth> heheh
[16:30] <+STEFANKARL> :
[16:30] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:30] <+Estefanie> Do you have double stunt in some lazytown episodes?
[16:31] <+STEFANKARL> no, but in Dancing Dual there was another actor turning his back to me because Robbie had cloned him self
[16:31] <+Estefanie> OK :D
[16:31] <+STEFANKARL> all stunts done by me!
[16:31] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:31] <@Razoth> Yay! XD
[16:31] <+Estefanie> LOL sure!
[16:31] <+Estefanie> Humm.. Do you can speak another language maybe Spanish?
[16:32] <+Estefanie> Opps I know… you don’t.
[16:32] <+STEFANKARL> yo hablar no Espanol
[16:32] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:32] <+Estefanie> LOL
01[16:32] <@Razoth> That brings up a question I wanted to ask. Is it very difficult to sing and act in a language that isn’t your native one?
[16:32] <+STEFANKARL> yo comprende unpoquito
[16:33] <+Estefanie> When you want to learn it… yo puedo ser tu maestra!! =D
[16:33] <+STEFANKARL> the first week was difficult but then it was fine. Today It’s not a problem at all
[16:33] <+STEFANKARL> thank you , I’m sure you would be a great teatcher
[16:33] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:33] <+Estefanie> Thaks
[16:34] <+Estefanie> Thanks
[16:34] <+Estefanie> And your favorite icecream and fruit juice?
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> Vanilla
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> Atrawberry
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> Strawberry
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> sorry
[16:34] <+Estefanie> Ok very yummy!
[16:34] <+Estefanie> That’s all my questions, thank you!!!
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> Thank you for you questions, great talking to you!
[16:34] <+Estefanie> *HUGS*
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:35] <+STEFANKARL> hi Nicki
[16:35] <+Nicki> Hi Stefan & Steinunn!
[16:35] <+steinunn> hi there
[16:35] <+STEFANKARL> where in the world are u?
[16:35] <+Nicki> I’m Nicki from South Florida =D
[16:35] <+STEFANKARL> ok, any questions?
[16:35] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:36] <+Nicki> Yes. I have one from a friend of mine who couldn’t be here.
[16:36] <+steinunn> ok
[16:36] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[16:36] <+STEFANKARL> shoot
[16:36] <+Nicki> My friend Kristin wants to know if you enjoy singing and acting in Icelandic, or English.
[16:36] <+Nicki> Which one you like the most?
[16:37] <+STEFANKARL> Both, it’s very different
[16:37] <+Nicki> Also, though it’s a silly question.
[16:37] <+Nicki> My friend had read somewhere that you don’t like candy. Is this true?
[16:37] <+STEFANKARL> yes
[16:37] <+STEFANKARL> I don’t like candy that much
01[16:38] <@Razoth> XD
[16:38] <+STEFANKARL> haha
[16:38] <+STEFANKARL> I know….
[16:38] <+Nicki> Neither do I XD. I’m not a big fan of sweets anymore.
[16:38] <+STEFANKARL> 20 minutes left, then I have to go.
[16:38] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:38] <+STEFANKARL> sorry
[16:38] <+Nicki> Ok. That is all from me.
01[16:38] <@Razoth> Hurry guys! ;_;
[16:38] <+Nicki> Thank you so much!
[16:39] <+STEFANKARL> Let’s talk again in 4 weeks
[16:39] <+STEFANKARL> ok next?
[16:39] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:39] <@Razoth> Alright.
[16:39] <+j00stin> Hey! I just woke up not to long ago and I dont really have any questions planned but i love to fly by the seat of my pants. So here I go.
[16:39] <+steinunn> ok
[16:39] <+STEFANKARL> Hahahaha, hi there! Well you sound like Robbie
[16:39] <+STEFANKARL> just wake up…
[16:39] <+j00stin> My name is Justin. Im from Mississippi. I warn you to never come here. Its hot and humid. I call it the armpit of america because it smells funny
01[16:39] <@Razoth> XD
[16:39] <+steinunn> hahaha
[16:39] <+j00stin> LOL well yesterday was my birthday and I stayed up for 40 hours in a row
[16:40] <+steinunn> happy birthday to you
[16:40] <+STEFANKARL> wow, happy birthday, how old are you noiw?
[16:40] <+j00stin> Thanks a million!
[16:40] <+j00stin> 20.
[16:40] <+STEFANKARL> cool, I remember that age! LOL
[16:40] <+j00stin> I feel old, but watching lazytown makes me feel about 5
[16:40] <+STEFANKARL> hahahaha
[16:40] <+j00stin> i giggle and laugh like a moron hehe
[16:40] <+steinunn> 5 is a good age
01[16:40] <@Razoth> Yeah. X3
[16:40] <+STEFANKARL> that’s good
[16:41] <+j00stin> haha, yeah. most of my friends watch it with me.
[16:41] <+STEFANKARL> I feel like 2
[16:41] <+j00stin> and its all you. lol 2?
[16:41] <+j00stin> you type better than a 2 year old at least lol
[16:41] <+STEFANKARL> Tell them I said hi!
[16:41] <+j00stin> haha, sure thing.
[16:41] <+STEFANKARL> hehehe thank you
[16:41] <+steinunn> you think so?
[16:41] <+STEFANKARL> :-/
01[16:41] <@Razoth> Aww, he types just fine. :)
[16:42] <+j00stin> Also. I think since I’m a male fan I should tell you that you are much hotter than Magnus
[16:42] <+j00stin> just my thoughts on that lol
[16:42] <+STEFANKARL> Hahahaha, thak you I’ll tell hiom
06[16:42] * @Razoth facepalms.
[16:42] <+j00stin> and you thinking the dress is the best costume is the best thing ive heard in like 3 years hahaha
[16:42] <+STEFANKARL> It’s gay pride today in San Diego, I’m not going
[16:42] <+STEFANKARL> heheheh
[16:42] <+STEFANKARL> ein the costume
[16:43] <+j00stin> hahaha!
[16:43] <+j00stin> Anyway. I don’t really have any questions I just wanted to shoot the breeze
[16:43] <+STEFANKARL> great talking to you!
01[16:43] <@Razoth> Well, I’ll add that Justin’s opinion isn’t just his. Most of the fans “fight” back and forth about who they like better, is more handsome, etc.
[16:43] <+j00stin> its very nice of you to talk to all of us. And i look forward to it next time!
[16:43] <+steinunn> fine you are funny
[16:43] <+STEFANKARL> me too, thak you so mutch
01[16:44] <@Razoth> Uh oh, where’s Jon?
01[16:44] <@Razoth> While I get him in here…
01[16:44] <@Razoth> Are you still in the works for the Grinch play?
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> Can’t tell right now, I’ll elt you know next week
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> :
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:45] <@Razoth> Ok. We missed my question from before…
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> hi Jon
[16:45] <+steinunn> hi jon
03[16:45] * Razoth sets mode: +v Jon1984
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> great seeing you here and thak you for all the videos
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:45] <@Razoth> There’s a lot of references to Sport being a Light Elf and Robbie being a Dark Elf in the series…
[16:45] <+Jon1984> XD
01[16:45] <@Razoth> What are your thoughts on that? XD
01[16:46] <@Razoth> They never say it outright, but hint at it a LOT.
[16:46] <+STEFANKARL> don’t know anything about it, never heard this before
01[16:46] <@Razoth> Really?
[16:46] <+steinunn> never
01[16:46] <@Razoth> It follows a LOT of Elf mythology/lore. o.o
[16:46] <+STEFANKARL> no, dark elf? What is a dark elf?
01[16:46] <@Razoth> I’ll have to type up everything and show you.
01[16:46] <@Razoth> XD
[16:46] <+STEFANKARL> ok
01[16:46] <@Razoth> I wonder if Magnus put that in there as a private joke or something.
01[16:47] <@Razoth> Ok, Jon, go ahead.
[16:47] <+STEFANKARL> There is only one elf, jumping elf
[16:47] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:47] <+Jon1984> Okay, Stefan, what are your future plans for Rainbow Children?
[16:47] <+STEFANKARL> To bring them to the US and all over the world. Bullying is everywhere, right?
[16:47] <+Jon1984> Of course.
[16:48] <+Jon1984> A lot of people get bullied.
[16:48] <+STEFANKARL> and we have to fight it, togather, right?
[16:48] <+STEFANKARL> yes, to many
[16:48] <+Jon1984> Yes, we need to stop bullying.
01[16:48] <@Razoth> I can’t wait to see if grow in many countries. :)
01[16:48] <@Razoth> *it
[16:48] <+STEFANKARL> me too
01[16:48] <@Razoth> Rainbow Children, not bullying. XD
[16:48] <+STEFANKARL> let’s do it, I can’t do this alone, you alæl have to help me on this
[16:49] <+STEFANKARL> YES!!!!!
[16:49] <+Jon1984> I should know what being bullied is like; it happened to me before.
[16:49] <+STEFANKARL> ok, well you are not alone
[16:49] <+Jon1984> That was a long time ago though.
[16:49] <+STEFANKARL> it’s hard.
01[16:49] <@Razoth> Keep us all updated on how Rainbow Children is going - we’re all very interested in the project.
01[16:49] <@Razoth> And yeah. It’s more common than people think. :/
[16:49] <+Jon1984> Yeah; I didn’t want to go to school anymore because of that.
[16:49] <+STEFANKARL> but you seem to have got your hands around it, you are here stronger then ever?
[16:50] <+STEFANKARL> right?
[16:50] <+Jon1984> YEAH!!
[16:50] <+steinunn> great
[16:50] <+STEFANKARL> Great, I’m with you 100%
[16:50] <+Jon1984> I’m pretty strong, even if I don’t seem that way.
01[16:50] <@Razoth> ^_^
[16:50] <+STEFANKARL> well, to me you look like someone that are strong, with strong selfesteem
[16:50] <+Jon1984> I mean mentally.
[16:51] <+STEFANKARL> I see, listen. If you feel happy in your hart, that’s all you need.
[16:51] <+STEFANKARL> heart, sorry
[16:51] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:51] <@Razoth> :)
[16:51] <+Jon1984> I do have good self esteem; not much gets me down.
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> cool, keep it up Jon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> more questions?
[16:52] <+Jon1984> Thank you. XD
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> 8 minutes to go!
[16:52] <+steinunn> 8 minutes to go
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> u2, talk soon
01[16:52] <@Razoth> Raz has questions too!
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> ok
01[16:52] <@Razoth> Got any more, Jon?
[16:52] <+Jon1984> Yeah, I do.
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[16:53] <+Jon1984> What’s it like working with Magnus and Julianna?
[16:53] <+STEFANKARL> great, they are both talented and good friends
[16:53] <+Jon1984> So I’ve heard. :)
[16:53] <+STEFANKARL> true
[16:54] <+Jon1984> I wish I had friends who are actors.
01[16:54] <@Razoth> Do you still do fencing? Steinunn, do you do any sports/activities?
[16:54] <+STEFANKARL> I’m your friend and I’m an actor. :)
01[16:54] <@Razoth> ^_^
[16:54] <+Jon1984> That’s true.
[16:55] <+STEFANKARL> I do not fence anymore. But I could if asked to
[16:55] <+steinunn> i work out when i am not pregnant:)
01[16:55] <@Razoth> XD
01[16:55] <@Razoth> Is it hard to pursue your careers now that you have 4 kids?
[16:55] <+Jon1984> I unfortunately don’t work out. I should though.
[16:55] <+STEFANKARL> hehehe
[16:55] <+STEFANKARL> no, they support me in everything I do!
[16:55] <+steinunn> I love being a mom
[16:55] <+STEFANKARL> more children, more fun, more happyness
[16:56] <+STEFANKARL> !!!!
01[16:56] <@Razoth> X3 Yay.
01[16:56] <@Razoth> How did you and Steinunn first meet?
[16:56] <+steinunn> kids are so much fun
[16:56] <+STEFANKARL> Steina, you tell
[16:56] <+steinunn> in the theatre in Iceland
01[16:56] <@Razoth> Really? o.o
[16:56] <+STEFANKARL> National Theater
[16:56] <+STEFANKARL> Shakespear
01[16:57] <@Razoth> Oooo. <3 I love Shakespeare.
[16:57] <+steinunn> we worked together in a play midsummer night´s dream that is where we met for the first time
[16:57] <+Jon1984> I never understood Shakespeare, because they spoke in Old English.
01[16:57] <@Razoth> Awesome. What roles did you both have?
[16:57] <+steinunn> hahahah
[16:58] <+Jon1984> I don’t even know what “To be or not to be” means.
[16:58] <+steinunn> helena and puck
[16:58] <+STEFANKARL> I was Puck
[16:58] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:58] <@Razoth> XD I love it. <3
[16:58] <+STEFANKARL> me too
01[16:58] <@Razoth> One question that was asked the last time - if we organized a fan convention, would you be willing to come?
[16:59] <+steinunn> more Q
[16:59] <+STEFANKARL> possibly
01[16:59] <@Razoth> Alright. ^_^
[16:59] <+STEFANKARL> depends on my time
[16:59] <+STEFANKARL> Let’s have a Robbie festival!
[16:59] <+STEFANKARL> hahahaha
[17:00] <+Jon1984> We should have a Lazy Town fan convention!
[17:00] <+STEFANKARL> great
01[17:00] <@Razoth> Have you seen some of the Lazytown fanworks published on the internet? What do you think of them?
[17:00] <+Jon1984> We could invite some of the cast and crew!
01[17:00] <@Razoth> Yes. XD I have contact with the company, so hopefully…
[17:00] <+steinunn> some yes and some are very good
[17:00] <+STEFANKARL> Yes, I think they are great. I would love to get all the Robbie work sent to me for my fanclub
01[17:01] <@Razoth> I know there’s terrible stuff floating around there, but there also are wonderful fanworks.
[17:01] <+Jon1984> You told me about your fan club, so I told everybody on LJ.
[17:01] <+STEFANKARL> it’s the internet
[17:01] <+STEFANKARL> cool
[17:01] <+STEFANKARL> I’ll let you know when it opens
[17:01] <+Jon1984> Yeah, I know, www.stefankarlfanclub.com,right?
01[17:01] <@Razoth> Alright, last question. What do you think of the costume designs in the show? Did Magnus decide on the final designs and look of all the characters?
[17:02] <+steinunn> we have to go …thank you all…you were great
01[17:02] <@Razoth> How do you feel about Robbie’s main costume?
01[17:02] <@Razoth> Oops. Ok. XD
01[17:02] <@Razoth> Thank you so VERY much for coming.
[17:02] <+STEFANKARL> Thank you so mutch, it was great talking to you all! Let’s meet in 4 weeks!!!
[17:02] <+Jon1984> Thanks Stefan and Steinunn! :)
01[17:02] <@Razoth> Alright. You know how to reach me! :)
[17:02] <+STEFANKARL> collect some more questions and then shoot!!!
[17:02] <+Jon1984> Drop me a line if you’d like, Stefan.
[17:03] <+Jon1984> I’m on Facebook a lot.
01[17:03] <@Razoth> Takk fyrir komina
[17:03] <+STEFANKARL> I will, thank you for organizing this
01[17:03] <@Razoth> Not a problem. :)
[17:03] <+steinunn> thank you razoth
01[17:03] <@Razoth> Have a good rest of the weekend!
[17:03] <+STEFANKARL> good job with the Icelandic: Takk somuleidis
[17:03] <+STEFANKARL> ditto, bye
[15:06] <+steinunn> hi everyone
01[15:06] <@Razoth> Only Burt can talk in here right now. XD
[15:06] <+STEFANKARL> Hi all :)
[15:06] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[15:07] <+STEFANKARL> I’ll wait
01[15:07] <@Razoth> They also have a question - is 1 hour pretty set? Some people will be late and people are worried about whether we’ll get through everyone’s questions.
01[15:07] <@Razoth> Burt, feel free to go ahead and start with yours.
[15:07] <+steinunn> we´ll do the best we can…
[15:07] <+STEFANKARL> yes Burt, shoot
[15:07] <+burt> Hi, Stefan, Steinunn, Olina, and family. How long have you lived in California, and why did decide to you go there?
[15:08] <+STEFANKARL> We have lived here for almost 4 years now, and we love it
[15:08] <+STEFANKARL> we just wanted the change
[15:08] <+burt> OK, Stefan, do you have any pets other than Olina?
[15:09] <+STEFANKARL> thawing after years of frost
[15:09] <+STEFANKARL> no not any more
01[15:09] <@Razoth> No pets anymore?
[15:09] <+STEFANKARL> the bird olina is with a foster family in iceland+
01[15:10] <@Razoth> Oooh. ;_;
[15:10] <+burt> Ok, a fun one…To Robbie: why are you so mean to the kids in Lazytown when they saved your butt in “Lazy Genieâ€�?
[15:10] <+STEFANKARL> I’ve had dogs and cats too, but not anymore
[15:11] <+STEFANKARL> Robbie is never mean, he just dosn’t know any better! :-/
01[15:11] <@Razoth> (To add the the California question, why did you pick California over, say New York? I have relatives that picked NYC to be near their agents for theater auditioning.)
[15:12] <+STEFANKARL> We stayed in NY before coming top CA, just checking it out. We found CA better place for our children and the weather is great! I have agents on both coasts
01[15:13] <@Razoth> Ah. :)
01[15:13] <@Razoth> Burt, any more?
[15:13] <+burt> Steinunn, have you released any albums singing?
[15:14] <+steinunn> no solo albums but i have been on quite a few back in icy land
[15:14] <+burt> Ok, I’ll finish for now…. next punter
[15:14] <+STEFANKARL> grat talking to you
[15:14] <+STEFANKARL> great, sorry
[15:15] <+burt> right back at ya!
01[15:15] <@Razoth> I was going to ask… regarding recordings (both musical and video), a lot of your works don’t seem to be available to purchase outside of Iceland. Any plans or ways to get them in other countries?
[15:15] <+STEFANKARL> :-)
[15:16] <+sedyn> Hi :)
[15:16] <+sedyn> Here’s my question. During the song “Good to be Badâ€� Robbie disappears in one spot and reappears in another. Is there a reason for that? Who thought of this and why?
[15:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m working on building a fanclub and I hope that they will be avalible there
01[15:16] <@Razoth> Yaaaaay. I had to do crazy things to get Regina in English, and that’s all I’ve been able to get.
[15:17] <+steinunn> regina was shot in english and icelandic
[15:18] <+STEFANKARL> Well, it’s just one of these things that happen in the development of a scene. In the original musical I changed costumes four times during the Robbie song, so we where trying to do that in the new TV song as well.
01[15:18] <@Razoth> I know, I wanted the Icelandic version. XD I’m hoping to see your other films someday. Both of you.
[15:18] <+STEFANKARL> you will, I hope
[15:18] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:18] <+STEFANKARL> Where in the World are you?
[15:18] <+STEFANKARL> all of you?
01[15:19] <@Razoth> Me, or everybody in here? All over the place.
01[15:19] <@Razoth> I’m putting together a map of where all the fans are.
[15:19] <+STEFANKARL> ok, great
01[15:19] <@Razoth> I’ll show you sometime. :)
[15:19] <+steinunn> fantastic
[15:19] <+STEFANKARL> :-)
[15:19] <+steinunn> great
01[15:19] <@Razoth> Sedyn, any more questions?
[15:19] <+sedyn> yes
[15:20] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[15:20] <+sedyn> What is your favourite Lazytown episode and which one was the most challenging?
[15:21] <+STEFANKARL> Miss Roberta and School Scam are my favorite. The most challenging one was Rottenbeard, I had to learn to talk like a pirate in one day! I only know how to talk like a Viking! :)
[15:21] <+steinunn> rotten beard is my all time fav
01[15:21] <@Razoth> That is a fun one. :)
[15:21] <+STEFANKARL> thank you Steina
[15:21] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:21] <+sedyn> it’s among my favourites, too
[15:21] <+steinunn> funniest by far
[15:21] <+sedyn> Ok, I’m done. Thanks for chatting with us :)
[15:21] <+STEFANKARL> What is your favorite?
[15:22] <+sedyn> Dancing Dreams :)
[15:22] <+STEFANKARL> ok, great talking to you too
[15:22] <+STEFANKARL> hahahah, ok
[15:22] <+steinunn> hahah
01[15:22] <@Razoth> Sportacus Who is one of my favorites, and Rottenbeard. And also Defeeted, but that’s because it’s the first episode I ever saw. Everyone here has their own favorites. :)
[15:23] <+STEFANKARL> hi merlin55
[15:23] <+merlin55> hello Stefan
[15:23] <+STEFANKARL> :-)
[15:23] <+steinunn> hi merlin
[15:23] <+merlin55> Hello steinuun
01[15:24] <@Razoth> Go ahead and ask, Merlin. XD
[15:24] <+merlin55> I heard somewhere Stefan, that you were possibly having an onstage comedy routine in Los Angeles? any truth to this?
[15:24] <+STEFANKARL> I woun’t bite
[15:25] <+STEFANKARL> no, not at this point. But you never know. I’m working on all kinds on ideas. No stand-up in the pipes
[15:26] <+merlin55> also, what do you think about all the jokes they put in the series in reference to the stageplays?
[15:26] <+STEFANKARL> come again????
[15:27] <+steinunn> lazytown stageplay?
[15:27] <+merlin55> The original latibaer plays
01[15:27] <@Razoth> Afram Latibaer and Glanni Glaepur i Latabae.
[15:27] <+STEFANKARL> oh, ok. I think it’s fine. The original stage play is the first time Robbie Rotten was seen.
[15:27] <+merlin55> Music from them being re-used in the series, Sportacus being called an “Elf” etc.
[15:28] <+STEFANKARL> ok, yes. Mani (the composer) did a great job, don’t yopu think?
01[15:28] <@Razoth> Very much so.
[15:28] <+merlin55> Yes. His music is wonderful.
[15:28] <+steinunn> sportacus is an elf:)
[15:28] <+STEFANKARL> Well, Sportacus is an ELF :) A jumping Elf!!!!
[15:29] <+STEFANKARL> hehhe
01[15:29] <@Razoth> Yes, I was going to ask about that. Besides references to the original stage plays….
[15:29] <+steinunn> his name in icelandic is i©‚rottaalfurinn aka sports elf
[15:29] <+merlin55> That’s all for my questions for now. Thankyou both.
[15:29] <+STEFANKARL> thank you too, come again soon
01[15:29] <@Razoth> There seems to be all sorts of hints that Sportacus is a Light elf (Ljosalfar) and Robbie/Glanni is a Dark Elf.
[15:29] <+steinunn> thank you merlin
[15:29] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[15:30] <@Razoth> Did they do all that on purpose? What do you think of it? XD
[15:30] <+STEFANKARL> hi solarcat
[15:30] <+SolarCat> hi!
[15:30] <+steinunn> hi
[15:30] <+STEFANKARL> how are yo doing?
[15:31] <+SolarCat> I’m doing great!
[15:31] <+STEFANKARL> Great. Questions?
[15:31] <+SolarCat> Um, I confess, I don’t really have a question, but I would like to take the chance to say that I really love the show
01[15:31] <@Razoth> ^_^
[15:31] <+SolarCat> and thank you so much for taking this time to talk to the fans. ^^
[15:31] <+STEFANKARL> Thank you
[15:32] <+STEFANKARL> It’s fun, right?
[15:32] <+SolarCat> Definitely! ^^
[15:32] <+STEFANKARL> What’s you favorite episode?
[15:32] <+SolarCat> Oh, definitely Rottenbeard. XD
[15:32] <+STEFANKARL> mine is Miss Roberta and Rottenbeard. Great
[15:32] <+steinunn> go rottenbeard
01[15:32] <@Razoth> heheh
[15:32] <+SolarCat> I feel bad taking up time from the folks with questions, though, so I’ll pass it on to the next one in line
[15:32] <+SolarCat> Again, thanks so much! =D
[15:33] <+STEFANKARL> Go, Ken Pontac who wrote that wrote
[15:33] <+STEFANKARL> bye
[15:33] <+STEFANKARL> Hi Kelly
[15:33] <+steinunn> hi kelly
[15:33] <+Kelly_Holden> Hi.
[15:33] <+steinunn> ru in the us?
01[15:34] <@Razoth> She’s in Australia.
[15:34] <+Kelly_Holden> No, I’m an Aussie.
01[15:34] <@Razoth> X3
[15:34] <+STEFANKARL> ok, that’s long way from here
[15:34] <+steinunn> oh i want to visit the kangoorooooos
[15:34] <+STEFANKARL> And Steve Ervin
[15:34] <+Kelly_Holden> I petted one when I was a kid. At the zoo.
[15:34] <+steinunn> stefan!
[15:35] <+STEFANKARL> sorry, just joking
[15:35] <+Kelly_Holden> Sorry, we’re here to talk about you.
[15:35] <+steinunn> apparently they are aggressive buggars
01[15:35] <@Razoth> XD
[15:35] <+STEFANKARL> hahahaha, ok shoot
[15:35] <+Kelly_Holden> I can’t think of anything. next person.
[15:36] <+STEFANKARL> :-)
01[15:36] <@Razoth> Wow. o.o; Ok. If you change your mind, let me know.
03[15:36] * Razoth sets mode: -v Kelly_Holden
03[15:36] * Razoth sets mode: +v Shinjuchan
[15:36] <+Shinjuchan> I’m here
[15:36] <+STEFANKARL> hi
[15:36] <+steinunn> hi
01[15:36] <@Razoth> Shinju, you’re up. Shinju is the one that made that wonderful art for you.
01[15:36] <@Razoth> The two pieces I showed Steinunn.
[15:36] <+STEFANKARL> thank you so uch, you are so talented
[15:36] <+steinunn> you are a great artist shinju
[15:36] <+STEFANKARL> I know, I saw it
[15:37] <+Shinjuchan> Stephan and Steinunn. Let me first say thank you for the opportunity to talk
[15:37] <+Shinjuchan> My children are going crazy now
[15:37] <+STEFANKARL> great job. Send me some more. I’ll put it on my fan club site
[15:37] <+Shinjuchan> Oh yes!
[15:37] <+STEFANKARL> ok, I understand
[15:37] <+Shinjuchan> I’m not sure if you know, but I’m the one who drew the ‘Jubilation’ artwork for you when I honestly thought you were leaving.
[15:37] <+Shinjuchan> I had quite literally stopped everything I was working on just to do that because I wanted you to know just how much we really would have missed you.
[15:37] <+STEFANKARL> There is an on/off button on the back of my children. :)
01[15:38] <@Razoth> XD
[15:38] <+Shinjuchan> If there’s one good thing to say about that whole experience it’s that you can now be positively CERTAIN that your impact on so, so many people is a true and genuine one.
[15:38] <+Shinjuchan> I wish mine had some.
[15:38] <+STEFANKARL> hahahah
[15:38] <+Shinjuchan> My youngest, Vada is special. She just loves the show so very much
01[15:38] <@Razoth> Yes. You probably don’t know this, but I have NEVER had so many people send me panicked notes after they thought you were leaving the show.
[15:39] <+STEFANKARL> thank you for your kind words
[15:39] <+Shinjuchan> To answer your question. Yes. I’d love to do art for you
[15:39] <+Shinjuchan> It was awful. My daughter Vada cried 3 quarters of the night
[15:39] <+Shinjuchan> No kidding
[15:40] <+STEFANKARL> Tell here that Robbie Rotten lives forever on DVD :)
[15:40] <+STEFANKARL> hahahah
[15:40] <+Shinjuchan> So I drew the picture of Robbie coming back w/ his suitcase and she was all better
[15:40] <+STEFANKARL> I’m still here
01[15:40] <@Razoth> I had more responses than I could count of people telling me the show just wouldn’t be watchable without you playing the character.
[15:40] <+Shinjuchan> It wouldn’t be.
[15:40] <+STEFANKARL> thank you
[15:40] <+Shinjuchan> Okay my kids are demanding questions.
[15:40] <+Shinjuchan> lol
[15:40] <+STEFANKARL> ok shoot
[15:41] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:41] <+Shinjuchan> My daughter has a cow she wants to give you. (My eldest, Jewel)
[15:41] <+STEFANKARL> a cow
[15:41] <+Shinjuchan> She named it Robbie because it’s purple
[15:41] <+steinunn> hahahah
01[15:41] <@Razoth> XD A stuffed animal cow?
[15:41] <+STEFANKARL> hahahahahahahahahahaha
[15:41] <+STEFANKARL> i love it
[15:41] <+Shinjuchan> She wants to know what the deal is w/ the cows?
[15:41] <+Shinjuchan> lol
[15:42] <+Shinjuchan> Oh yeah sure. A real one for ya
[15:42] <+Shinjuchan> You won’t need to buy our expensive milk anymore
01[15:42] <@Razoth> XD
[15:43] <+STEFANKARL> Well, Robbie thought that no one would know where the lair is if he would paint cows on it
[15:43] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:43] <+Shinjuchan> Jewel says that you are her favorite
[15:43] <+STEFANKARL> thank you so much
[15:43] <+Shinjuchan> Vada on the other hands keeps asking where the elf is
[15:43] <+Shinjuchan> hahahah
[15:43] <+STEFANKARL> Oh, the jumping kangaro
[15:43] <+STEFANKARL> he’s in Iceland
[15:43] <+Shinjuchan> Yes
[15:44] <+Shinjuchan> hehee
[15:44] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:44] <+STEFANKARL> next question
[15:44] <+Shinjuchan> Okay. Question about Number #9. It seems from the first episode like you knew him because you said ‘Another one’ when you saw #10. Did you know #9
[15:45] <+Shinjuchan> My kids are convinced he’s Sportacus’ old man
[15:45] <+Shinjuchan> (I do too, but that’s besides the point)
[15:45] <+STEFANKARL> There was nr #9 before Sportacuse #10. Robbie’s family has been fighting these elfs for hundreds of years
[15:46] <+Shinjuchan> LOL
[15:46] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:46] <+Shinjuchan> You know I did a short Story where he came for a visit
01[15:46] <@Razoth> XD
[15:46] <+STEFANKARL> I’m loving it
[15:46] <+Shinjuchan> I included pictures even
[15:46] <+Shinjuchan> I ought to get them to Raz to give to you
[15:46] <+STEFANKARL> Sounds good
[15:47] <+STEFANKARL> ok, I look forward to getting it
01[15:47] <@Razoth> :) Sure.
[15:47] <+STEFANKARL> thank you
[15:47] <+Shinjuchan> Sorry to say that Robbie went crazy in it though
01[15:47] <@Razoth> XD Too many elves.
[15:47] <+Shinjuchan> NOOOOOO! TWO OF THEMMMMMMMM NOoooooooo
[15:47] <+Shinjuchan> lol
[15:47] <+STEFANKARL> hahaha, he always does
[15:47] <+Shinjuchan> My daughter Jewel wants to know what your favorite cake is?
[15:47] <+STEFANKARL> Carrot Cake.
[15:47] <+Shinjuchan> And would you eat CARROT cake?
01[15:48] <@Razoth> AHAHAH.
[15:48] <+steinunn> he bakes it himself
[15:48] <+Shinjuchan> Oh God .. jinx
[15:48] <+STEFANKARL> oh, yes, any cake
[15:48] <+Shinjuchan> Your favorite episode? (Vada)
[15:48] <+STEFANKARL> Miss Roberta and Rottenbeard
01[15:48] <@Razoth> That happened already, Shinju. XD
[15:48] <+Shinjuchan> (Sorry for all the questions but I have two youngens
01[15:48] <@Razoth> That’s ok.
[15:48] <+STEFANKARL> hahaha
[15:49] <+Shinjuchan> They’re asking too
[15:49] <+STEFANKARL> I have four so I understand
06[15:49] * @Razoth has tons of questions herself.
[15:49] <+Shinjuchan> Dear me.
[15:49] <+STEFANKARL> fine shoot them all
[15:49] <+Shinjuchan> Oh Noooo
[15:49] <+STEFANKARL> hehe
01[15:49] <@Razoth> XD
01[15:49] <@Razoth> More questions, Shinju?
[15:49] <+Shinjuchan> Will be seeing anymore LT or is USA banned from it. *l*
[15:50] <+Shinjuchan> (I’m beginning to wonder)
[15:50] <+STEFANKARL> Can’t answer this.
[15:50] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:50] <+Shinjuchan> Eh. I understand.
[15:50] <+STEFANKARL> cool
[15:51] <+Shinjuchan> I’ll let my daughter type the last question and then we can share this time w// another
[15:51] <+STEFANKARL> I’ll let you all know when I open www.stefankarlfanclub.com You can get all the news from there soon
[15:51] <+STEFANKARL> ok
01[15:51] <@Razoth> ^_^
[15:51] <+Shinjuchan> Hi Robbie this is Jewel. I wanted to ask you if your big orange fluffy chair is really comfy, cause it looks like it. If so, where can I get one ^-^
[15:52] <+STEFANKARL> I LOVE MY CHAIR. I don’t know if you can buy one but if you ever come to Lazy Town I’ll let you try it. :)
01[15:52] <@Razoth> X3 I so gotta do that.
[15:52] <+Shinjuchan> You just made her day
06[15:52] * @Razoth flails. X3
[15:52] <+Shinjuchan> She went Squeeeeeeeeeee
[15:52] <+STEFANKARL> and she made my day too
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> me too
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> hahaha
[15:53] <+Shinjuchan> Oh now she’s really happy
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> great
01[15:53] <@Razoth> heheh
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> That’s how we should feel every day!
[15:53] <+Shinjuchan> Well then thank you both for the time. And I’m honored about the art
01[15:53] <@Razoth> ^_^
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> me too, and you’ll send me some more, as much as possible!
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[15:53] <+STEFANKARL> Buy
[15:54] <+STEFANKARL> I mead by
[15:54] <+STEFANKARL> hihihi
[15:54] <+SoulLostAtSea> Woah…
[15:54] <+SoulLostAtSea> Hello! It’s a pleasure to meet you!
[15:54] <+SoulLostAtSea> Both of you!
[15:54] <+STEFANKARL> The plesure is all mine
[15:54] <+STEFANKARL> how are you
[15:54] <+SoulLostAtSea> AAAHH!!! I’m shaking!! I’m sorry!!
[15:54] <+STEFANKARL> hahahaha
[15:55] <+SoulLostAtSea> I’m actually talking to Stefan Karl!! This REALLY is an honour!
[15:55] <+steinunn> hi there
[15:55] <+SoulLostAtSea> Hello!!
[15:55] <+SoulLostAtSea> SQUEEEE!!
[15:55] <+STEFANKARL> Yes, it’s me!!!!! LOL
[15:55] <+SoulLostAtSea> THIS IS AMAZING!!
[15:55] <+STEFANKARL> Well, it’s the internet!
[15:55] <+SoulLostAtSea> Oh right! Questions!!
[15:55] <+STEFANKARL> sooh
01[15:55] <@Razoth> Go Internet! :D
[15:55] <+STEFANKARL> shoot, sorry
[15:56] <+SoulLostAtSea> I haven’t really had time to think of any “detailed questions”, so I’ll start with a simple one: what is your favourite Robbie Rotten outfit?
[15:56] <+STEFANKARL> Miss Roberta’s dress! hahaha
[15:56] <+STEFANKARL> Not the carrot, that I can tell you
01[15:57] <@Razoth> XD
[15:57] <+SoulLostAtSea> Hehe! A rather nice dress, if you ask me! I was quite fond of that one too! :) Any particular reason why you like it?
01[15:57] <@Razoth> The Birthday Fairy is another favorite. Everyone else wants a Birthday Fairy at their party, now. XD
[15:57] <+STEFANKARL> I just found it funny, womans dress.
[15:57] <+SoulLostAtSea> I know I do! XD
[15:58] <+SoulLostAtSea> It suits you very well!
[15:58] <+steinunn> hahaha
01[15:58] <@Razoth> XD
[15:58] <+SoulLostAtSea> HEEHEE!!
[15:58] <+SoulLostAtSea> Right… another question…
[15:58] <+STEFANKARL> yes
[15:59] <+SoulLostAtSea> What’s it like working with Magnus? What’s he like?
[16:00] <+STEFANKARL> Magnus and I have known each other for 10 years. He’s a good friend.
[16:00] <+STEFANKARL> Very active and get’s things going
[16:00] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:00] <+STEFANKARL> like elfs do! hahaha
01[16:00] <@Razoth> Is his energy and…uh…. DRIVE to have people work hard… ever challenging or frustrating?
[16:00] <+SoulLostAtSea> How did you first meet Magnus?
[16:01] <+STEFANKARL> No not frustrating but sometimes challenging, I’m very active my self. We met in London first 10 year ago
[16:01] <+STEFANKARL> He told me all about Lazy Town and we have worked togather since then
[16:02] <+STEFANKARL> that story is still being written….
01[16:02] <@Razoth> XD
[16:02] <+SoulLostAtSea> Is the character of Robbie Rotten based on anyone in particular?
01[16:02] <@Razoth> IS it true that you met because you were the only non-alcohol-drinkers at that place?
[16:02] <+STEFANKARL> While E. Cayote
01[16:02] <@Razoth> heheh
[16:02] <+STEFANKARL> my favorite from WB
[16:03] <+STEFANKARL> true
[16:03] <+STEFANKARL> but also because we knew of each other.
[16:03] <+SoulLostAtSea> I’ve never noticed how similar they are! They NEVER get their own way and they always seek to get rid of their “enemies”, in this case, Sportacus and the Road Runner!
01[16:03] <@Razoth> Ok, Soul, I think we need to switch to the next person to fit everyone in. >_> We’re already at 1 hour. And I have lots of questions too. XD;
[16:04] <+SoulLostAtSea> Okay… two FINAL questions!
01[16:04] <@Razoth> Ok.
[16:04] <+SoulLostAtSea> These will be the most random!
[16:04] <+SoulLostAtSea> Favourite colour and favourite animal! XD
[16:04] <+STEFANKARL> Blue / Sharks
01[16:04] <@Razoth> heheh
[16:04] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:05] <@Razoth> Go oh, Melissa. ^_^
[16:05] <+STEFANKARL> hi melissaivory
[16:05] <+melissaIvory> hello, and thank you for coming to chat with us.
[16:05] <+STEFANKARL> my plesure
[16:05] <+steinunn> hi
01[16:05] <@Razoth> (Soul says it was a pleasure to speak to you both.)
[16:06] <+steinunn> thanks
[16:06] <+STEFANKARL> ditto
[16:06] <+melissaIvory> how do you feel about the lack of merchandise of Robbie? (this is from my friend in England, who can’t be here.)
[16:07] <+STEFANKARL> Well i think it’s being made now. I would love to see some more
01[16:07] <@Razoth> And the fact we all import the action figure of Robbie from England only to find out he doesn’t have your voice. -.-
01[16:07] <@Razoth> Grr.
[16:07] <+melissaIvory> personally, i collect plushies, so that’s what i’m hoping to see.
[16:08] <+STEFANKARL> Well Fisher Price made this toy.
[16:08] <+melissaIvory> alright, next question…
[16:08] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[16:09] <+melissaIvory> how do you like living on the West Coast?
[16:09] <+melissaIvory> i know how crazy the weather can be here.
[16:09] <+STEFANKARL> love it, hot!
[16:09] <+STEFANKARL> Not lile Iceland
[16:09] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:09] <+STEFANKARL> like, sorry
[16:10] <+melissaIvory> it doesn’t get so hot for me in WA, but we do have our fair amount of rain…
[16:10] <+STEFANKARL> Ok, well you would do great in Iceland
[16:10] <+STEFANKARL> rains a lot
[16:10] <+melissaIvory> i really don’t like the rain though… but i don’t think i could ever move.
[16:11] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:11] <+melissaIvory> anywho! thank you both for coming, and that’s all i had to ask.
[16:11] <+STEFANKARL> great talking with you
[16:11] <+STEFANKARL> hi dreamanit
[16:11] <+DreamAnit> Hi there, Stefan, Steinunn. I’m Anita, from Chile (southamerica).
[16:11] <+STEFANKARL> hihihi, Chile, woh
[16:12] <+steinunn> ola senorita
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> Yeah, pretty far away, uh?
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> ^_^
[16:12] <+steinunn> que pasa?
[16:12] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> Hablas español!!!
01[16:12] <@Razoth> We’ve got fans all over the world, yes!
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> That’s great!
[16:12] <+steinunn> poquito
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> Muy bien!!
[16:12] <+STEFANKARL> not me
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> Well, you can always learn.
[16:12] <+DreamAnit> XD
01[16:12] <@Razoth> I speak Spanish and help out. XD
[16:12] <+steinunn> el comprende mucho
[16:13] <+DreamAnit> Excelente!
[16:13] <+STEFANKARL> si
[16:13] <+DreamAnit> Well, I have three questions…
[16:13] <+STEFANKARL> ok shoot
[16:13] <+DreamAnit> One: Robbie is “the lazyest man in town”, but he’s always jumping, dancing or climbing. Besides, he wears disguises that don’t seem very comfortable (giant carrot, for example… XD). Would you say it’s a physically exhausting role?
[16:14] <+STEFANKARL> yes. Why do you think Robbie is so thin?
[16:14] <+STEFANKARL> He moves a lot
01[16:14] <@Razoth> XD
[16:14] <+DreamAnit> LOL.
[16:14] <+DreamAnit> Second question.
[16:14] <+STEFANKARL> but it’s just fun, fun, fun to do. To come to work every day to see Robbie! I love it
01[16:14] <@Razoth> X3
[16:15] <+STEFANKARL> next question
[16:15] <+DreamAnit> Well, everbody loves Robbie!! What’s not to love? He sits and watch TV all day and he eats cake.
[16:15] <+DreamAnit> That’s a great life!!
[16:15] <+DreamAnit> XD
01[16:15] <@Razoth> heheh
[16:15] <+steinunn> true
[16:15] <+DreamAnit> Next question now. ^_^
[16:15] <+STEFANKARL> true
[16:15] <+DreamAnit> As an actor, what do you think is more difficult: To make people laugh or to make people cry?
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> difficult question, let me thing….
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> think….
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m thinking……
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m thinking……
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m thinking……
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m thinking……
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> I’m thinking……
01[16:16] <@Razoth> XD
[16:16] <+DreamAnit> Think… think… that sounds familiar!!! XD
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> hehehe
06[16:16] * @Razoth makes the accompanying hand gestures. XD
[16:16] <+STEFANKARL> Laugh, deffinetly
[16:16] <+DreamAnit> Why?
[16:17] <+STEFANKARL> Dying is easy but comedy is hard.
[16:17] <+DreamAnit> Yeah, I think I understand that.
[16:17] <+DreamAnit> Last question now.
[16:18] <+DreamAnit> What is more fulfilling for you: to sing or to act?
[16:18] <+STEFANKARL> Both at the same time. Musical is my favorite! But if I had to choose one, Acting.
[16:18] <+DreamAnit> Yeah, and in Lazytown you can do both!
[16:18] <+DreamAnit> ^_^
[16:18] <+STEFANKARL> yes
[16:18] <+STEFANKARL> love it
01[16:19] <@Razoth> ^_^ Ok, Spork is up next.
[16:19] <+STEFANKARL> Thank you for you questions, great talking to you!
[16:19] <+DreamAnit> Well, that’s all from me.
[16:19] <+STEFANKARL> hi spork
01[16:19] <@Razoth> (Sorry we still have so many questions. How are we doing on time with you guys?)
[16:19] <+steinunn> hi
[16:19] <+tehsp0rk> Hello! Thank you so much for chatting with us. I’m spork, or Amanda, from New York.
[16:19] <+STEFANKARL> fine
[16:19] <+STEFANKARL> Hi, NY that’s great
[16:20] <+tehsp0rk> Hmm…first question. Do you think Robbie is really bad or just misunderstood? :D
[16:20] <+STEFANKARL> misunderstood, deffinatly!
[16:20] <+tehsp0rk> I think we all agree on that :)
[16:20] <+STEFANKARL> hehehe
01[16:21] <@Razoth> ^_^
[16:21] <+tehsp0rk> Second…what’s the funniest or strangest thing that’s happened to you on the set?
[16:21] <+STEFANKARL> When I lost my teeth and it hit the cameraman
01[16:22] <@Razoth> XD Wow.
[16:22] <+STEFANKARL> in the middle of a song!
[16:22] <+tehsp0rk> Haha! I hope it was fake teeth.
[16:22] <+STEFANKARL> yes, LOL
[16:22] <+STEFANKARL> next question
[16:23] <+tehsp0rk> And lastly, so I don’t hog all the time…what do you think about Lazytown having so many fans that aren’t kids? People from all age groups seem to love it.
[16:24] <+STEFANKARL> That’s just great. The show is for all age groups. I think it’s also because it’s a unique show from a different country
[16:24] <+tehsp0rk> Very unique show :)
[16:24] <+STEFANKARL> yes
[16:25] <+Estefanie> Hi, Stefan!!! OMG!
[16:25] <+STEFANKARL> hi
[16:25] <+Estefanie> Hi Steinunn =)
[16:25] <+tehsp0rk> Thank you!
[16:25] <+STEFANKARL> u2
[16:25] <+steinunn> ola estefanie
[16:25] <+Estefanie> I’m Mónica from Perú, Thank you for all the joy and fun that you give us, I love the show FOREVER!!! *Robbie voice* :D
[16:26] <+STEFANKARL> thank you.
[16:26] <+Estefanie> My questions is: What films and TV shows did you like when you were a kid?
[16:26] <+STEFANKARL> hahaha
[16:26] <+Estefanie> Who are your main acting influences?
[16:26] <+STEFANKARL> The Muppet Show was my favorite,
[16:26] <+STEFANKARL> Film: Goonies
[16:27] <+Estefanie> Awww I see the Muppets too =D
[16:27] <+Estefanie> One for you Steinunn : =)
[16:27] <+Estefanie> Do you think that Stefan looks more sexy with the beard pirate (Rottenbeard)? or without it?
[16:27] <+Estefanie> =)
06[16:27] * @Razoth will be right back!
[16:27] <+STEFANKARL> My main acting influence came from many actors. I just love waching good acting.
[16:27] <+STEFANKARL> hahahah, Steina?
[16:28] <+steinunn> stefan is always very handsome LOL
[16:28] <+STEFANKARL> Ohhh, you are just saying it….
[16:28] <+Estefanie> LOL I know!
[16:28] <+STEFANKARL> lol
[16:28] <+STEFANKARL> STOP this sexy thing, it’s a kid’s show
[16:28] <+STEFANKARL> hahaha
[16:28] <+Estefanie> XDXDXD
[16:28] <+steinunn> to beard or not to beard?
[16:28] <+Estefanie> FROM MY lil daughter:
[16:29] <+Estefanie> both!
[16:29] <+Estefanie> :D
[16:29] <+Estefanie> but he is the most sexy pirate! =D
[16:29] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[16:29] <+STEFANKARL> :)
06[16:29] * @Razoth is back.
[16:29] <+Estefanie> The questions from my daughter…Why Robbie does not like milk?
[16:29] <+Estefanie> Although I have not seen to Sportacus drinking the milk…
[16:30] <+STEFANKARL> Robbi hates everything that is healthy
[16:30] <+STEFANKARL> .
01[16:30] <@Razoth> heheh
[16:30] <+STEFANKARL> :
[16:30] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:30] <+Estefanie> Do you have double stunt in some lazytown episodes?
[16:31] <+STEFANKARL> no, but in Dancing Dual there was another actor turning his back to me because Robbie had cloned him self
[16:31] <+Estefanie> OK :D
[16:31] <+STEFANKARL> all stunts done by me!
[16:31] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:31] <@Razoth> Yay! XD
[16:31] <+Estefanie> LOL sure!
[16:31] <+Estefanie> Humm.. Do you can speak another language maybe Spanish?
[16:32] <+Estefanie> Opps I know… you don’t.
[16:32] <+STEFANKARL> yo hablar no Espanol
[16:32] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:32] <+Estefanie> LOL
01[16:32] <@Razoth> That brings up a question I wanted to ask. Is it very difficult to sing and act in a language that isn’t your native one?
[16:32] <+STEFANKARL> yo comprende unpoquito
[16:33] <+Estefanie> When you want to learn it… yo puedo ser tu maestra!! =D
[16:33] <+STEFANKARL> the first week was difficult but then it was fine. Today It’s not a problem at all
[16:33] <+STEFANKARL> thank you , I’m sure you would be a great teatcher
[16:33] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:33] <+Estefanie> Thaks
[16:34] <+Estefanie> Thanks
[16:34] <+Estefanie> And your favorite icecream and fruit juice?
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> Vanilla
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> Atrawberry
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> Strawberry
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> sorry
[16:34] <+Estefanie> Ok very yummy!
[16:34] <+Estefanie> That’s all my questions, thank you!!!
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> Thank you for you questions, great talking to you!
[16:34] <+Estefanie> *HUGS*
[16:34] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:35] <+STEFANKARL> hi Nicki
[16:35] <+Nicki> Hi Stefan & Steinunn!
[16:35] <+steinunn> hi there
[16:35] <+STEFANKARL> where in the world are u?
[16:35] <+Nicki> I’m Nicki from South Florida =D
[16:35] <+STEFANKARL> ok, any questions?
[16:35] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:36] <+Nicki> Yes. I have one from a friend of mine who couldn’t be here.
[16:36] <+steinunn> ok
[16:36] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[16:36] <+STEFANKARL> shoot
[16:36] <+Nicki> My friend Kristin wants to know if you enjoy singing and acting in Icelandic, or English.
[16:36] <+Nicki> Which one you like the most?
[16:37] <+STEFANKARL> Both, it’s very different
[16:37] <+Nicki> Also, though it’s a silly question.
[16:37] <+Nicki> My friend had read somewhere that you don’t like candy. Is this true?
[16:37] <+STEFANKARL> yes
[16:37] <+STEFANKARL> I don’t like candy that much
01[16:38] <@Razoth> XD
[16:38] <+STEFANKARL> haha
[16:38] <+STEFANKARL> I know….
[16:38] <+Nicki> Neither do I XD. I’m not a big fan of sweets anymore.
[16:38] <+STEFANKARL> 20 minutes left, then I have to go.
[16:38] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:38] <+STEFANKARL> sorry
[16:38] <+Nicki> Ok. That is all from me.
01[16:38] <@Razoth> Hurry guys! ;_;
[16:38] <+Nicki> Thank you so much!
[16:39] <+STEFANKARL> Let’s talk again in 4 weeks
[16:39] <+STEFANKARL> ok next?
[16:39] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:39] <@Razoth> Alright.
[16:39] <+j00stin> Hey! I just woke up not to long ago and I dont really have any questions planned but i love to fly by the seat of my pants. So here I go.
[16:39] <+steinunn> ok
[16:39] <+STEFANKARL> Hahahaha, hi there! Well you sound like Robbie
[16:39] <+STEFANKARL> just wake up…
[16:39] <+j00stin> My name is Justin. Im from Mississippi. I warn you to never come here. Its hot and humid. I call it the armpit of america because it smells funny
01[16:39] <@Razoth> XD
[16:39] <+steinunn> hahaha
[16:39] <+j00stin> LOL well yesterday was my birthday and I stayed up for 40 hours in a row
[16:40] <+steinunn> happy birthday to you
[16:40] <+STEFANKARL> wow, happy birthday, how old are you noiw?
[16:40] <+j00stin> Thanks a million!
[16:40] <+j00stin> 20.
[16:40] <+STEFANKARL> cool, I remember that age! LOL
[16:40] <+j00stin> I feel old, but watching lazytown makes me feel about 5
[16:40] <+STEFANKARL> hahahaha
[16:40] <+j00stin> i giggle and laugh like a moron hehe
[16:40] <+steinunn> 5 is a good age
01[16:40] <@Razoth> Yeah. X3
[16:40] <+STEFANKARL> that’s good
[16:41] <+j00stin> haha, yeah. most of my friends watch it with me.
[16:41] <+STEFANKARL> I feel like 2
[16:41] <+j00stin> and its all you. lol 2?
[16:41] <+j00stin> you type better than a 2 year old at least lol
[16:41] <+STEFANKARL> Tell them I said hi!
[16:41] <+j00stin> haha, sure thing.
[16:41] <+STEFANKARL> hehehe thank you
[16:41] <+steinunn> you think so?
[16:41] <+STEFANKARL> :-/
01[16:41] <@Razoth> Aww, he types just fine. :)
[16:42] <+j00stin> Also. I think since I’m a male fan I should tell you that you are much hotter than Magnus
[16:42] <+j00stin> just my thoughts on that lol
[16:42] <+STEFANKARL> Hahahaha, thak you I’ll tell hiom
06[16:42] * @Razoth facepalms.
[16:42] <+j00stin> and you thinking the dress is the best costume is the best thing ive heard in like 3 years hahaha
[16:42] <+STEFANKARL> It’s gay pride today in San Diego, I’m not going
[16:42] <+STEFANKARL> heheheh
[16:42] <+STEFANKARL> ein the costume
[16:43] <+j00stin> hahaha!
[16:43] <+j00stin> Anyway. I don’t really have any questions I just wanted to shoot the breeze
[16:43] <+STEFANKARL> great talking to you!
01[16:43] <@Razoth> Well, I’ll add that Justin’s opinion isn’t just his. Most of the fans “fight” back and forth about who they like better, is more handsome, etc.
[16:43] <+j00stin> its very nice of you to talk to all of us. And i look forward to it next time!
[16:43] <+steinunn> fine you are funny
[16:43] <+STEFANKARL> me too, thak you so mutch
01[16:44] <@Razoth> Uh oh, where’s Jon?
01[16:44] <@Razoth> While I get him in here…
01[16:44] <@Razoth> Are you still in the works for the Grinch play?
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> Can’t tell right now, I’ll elt you know next week
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> :
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:45] <@Razoth> Ok. We missed my question from before…
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> hi Jon
[16:45] <+steinunn> hi jon
03[16:45] * Razoth sets mode: +v Jon1984
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> great seeing you here and thak you for all the videos
[16:45] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:45] <@Razoth> There’s a lot of references to Sport being a Light Elf and Robbie being a Dark Elf in the series…
[16:45] <+Jon1984> XD
01[16:45] <@Razoth> What are your thoughts on that? XD
01[16:46] <@Razoth> They never say it outright, but hint at it a LOT.
[16:46] <+STEFANKARL> don’t know anything about it, never heard this before
01[16:46] <@Razoth> Really?
[16:46] <+steinunn> never
01[16:46] <@Razoth> It follows a LOT of Elf mythology/lore. o.o
[16:46] <+STEFANKARL> no, dark elf? What is a dark elf?
01[16:46] <@Razoth> I’ll have to type up everything and show you.
01[16:46] <@Razoth> XD
[16:46] <+STEFANKARL> ok
01[16:46] <@Razoth> I wonder if Magnus put that in there as a private joke or something.
01[16:47] <@Razoth> Ok, Jon, go ahead.
[16:47] <+STEFANKARL> There is only one elf, jumping elf
[16:47] <+STEFANKARL> :)
[16:47] <+Jon1984> Okay, Stefan, what are your future plans for Rainbow Children?
[16:47] <+STEFANKARL> To bring them to the US and all over the world. Bullying is everywhere, right?
[16:47] <+Jon1984> Of course.
[16:48] <+Jon1984> A lot of people get bullied.
[16:48] <+STEFANKARL> and we have to fight it, togather, right?
[16:48] <+STEFANKARL> yes, to many
[16:48] <+Jon1984> Yes, we need to stop bullying.
01[16:48] <@Razoth> I can’t wait to see if grow in many countries. :)
01[16:48] <@Razoth> *it
[16:48] <+STEFANKARL> me too
01[16:48] <@Razoth> Rainbow Children, not bullying. XD
[16:48] <+STEFANKARL> let’s do it, I can’t do this alone, you alæl have to help me on this
[16:49] <+STEFANKARL> YES!!!!!
[16:49] <+Jon1984> I should know what being bullied is like; it happened to me before.
[16:49] <+STEFANKARL> ok, well you are not alone
[16:49] <+Jon1984> That was a long time ago though.
[16:49] <+STEFANKARL> it’s hard.
01[16:49] <@Razoth> Keep us all updated on how Rainbow Children is going - we’re all very interested in the project.
01[16:49] <@Razoth> And yeah. It’s more common than people think. :/
[16:49] <+Jon1984> Yeah; I didn’t want to go to school anymore because of that.
[16:49] <+STEFANKARL> but you seem to have got your hands around it, you are here stronger then ever?
[16:50] <+STEFANKARL> right?
[16:50] <+Jon1984> YEAH!!
[16:50] <+steinunn> great
[16:50] <+STEFANKARL> Great, I’m with you 100%
[16:50] <+Jon1984> I’m pretty strong, even if I don’t seem that way.
01[16:50] <@Razoth> ^_^
[16:50] <+STEFANKARL> well, to me you look like someone that are strong, with strong selfesteem
[16:50] <+Jon1984> I mean mentally.
[16:51] <+STEFANKARL> I see, listen. If you feel happy in your hart, that’s all you need.
[16:51] <+STEFANKARL> heart, sorry
[16:51] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:51] <@Razoth> :)
[16:51] <+Jon1984> I do have good self esteem; not much gets me down.
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> cool, keep it up Jon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> more questions?
[16:52] <+Jon1984> Thank you. XD
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> 8 minutes to go!
[16:52] <+steinunn> 8 minutes to go
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> u2, talk soon
01[16:52] <@Razoth> Raz has questions too!
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> ok
01[16:52] <@Razoth> Got any more, Jon?
[16:52] <+Jon1984> Yeah, I do.
[16:52] <+STEFANKARL> ok
[16:53] <+Jon1984> What’s it like working with Magnus and Julianna?
[16:53] <+STEFANKARL> great, they are both talented and good friends
[16:53] <+Jon1984> So I’ve heard. :)
[16:53] <+STEFANKARL> true
[16:54] <+Jon1984> I wish I had friends who are actors.
01[16:54] <@Razoth> Do you still do fencing? Steinunn, do you do any sports/activities?
[16:54] <+STEFANKARL> I’m your friend and I’m an actor. :)
01[16:54] <@Razoth> ^_^
[16:54] <+Jon1984> That’s true.
[16:55] <+STEFANKARL> I do not fence anymore. But I could if asked to
[16:55] <+steinunn> i work out when i am not pregnant:)
01[16:55] <@Razoth> XD
01[16:55] <@Razoth> Is it hard to pursue your careers now that you have 4 kids?
[16:55] <+Jon1984> I unfortunately don’t work out. I should though.
[16:55] <+STEFANKARL> hehehe
[16:55] <+STEFANKARL> no, they support me in everything I do!
[16:55] <+steinunn> I love being a mom
[16:55] <+STEFANKARL> more children, more fun, more happyness
[16:56] <+STEFANKARL> !!!!
01[16:56] <@Razoth> X3 Yay.
01[16:56] <@Razoth> How did you and Steinunn first meet?
[16:56] <+steinunn> kids are so much fun
[16:56] <+STEFANKARL> Steina, you tell
[16:56] <+steinunn> in the theatre in Iceland
01[16:56] <@Razoth> Really? o.o
[16:56] <+STEFANKARL> National Theater
[16:56] <+STEFANKARL> Shakespear
01[16:57] <@Razoth> Oooo. <3 I love Shakespeare.
[16:57] <+steinunn> we worked together in a play midsummer night´s dream that is where we met for the first time
[16:57] <+Jon1984> I never understood Shakespeare, because they spoke in Old English.
01[16:57] <@Razoth> Awesome. What roles did you both have?
[16:57] <+steinunn> hahahah
[16:58] <+Jon1984> I don’t even know what “To be or not to be” means.
[16:58] <+steinunn> helena and puck
[16:58] <+STEFANKARL> I was Puck
[16:58] <+STEFANKARL> :)
01[16:58] <@Razoth> XD I love it. <3
[16:58] <+STEFANKARL> me too
01[16:58] <@Razoth> One question that was asked the last time - if we organized a fan convention, would you be willing to come?
[16:59] <+steinunn> more Q
[16:59] <+STEFANKARL> possibly
01[16:59] <@Razoth> Alright. ^_^
[16:59] <+STEFANKARL> depends on my time
[16:59] <+STEFANKARL> Let’s have a Robbie festival!
[16:59] <+STEFANKARL> hahahaha
[17:00] <+Jon1984> We should have a Lazy Town fan convention!
[17:00] <+STEFANKARL> great
01[17:00] <@Razoth> Have you seen some of the Lazytown fanworks published on the internet? What do you think of them?
[17:00] <+Jon1984> We could invite some of the cast and crew!
01[17:00] <@Razoth> Yes. XD I have contact with the company, so hopefully…
[17:00] <+steinunn> some yes and some are very good
[17:00] <+STEFANKARL> Yes, I think they are great. I would love to get all the Robbie work sent to me for my fanclub
01[17:01] <@Razoth> I know there’s terrible stuff floating around there, but there also are wonderful fanworks.
[17:01] <+Jon1984> You told me about your fan club, so I told everybody on LJ.
[17:01] <+STEFANKARL> it’s the internet
[17:01] <+STEFANKARL> cool
[17:01] <+STEFANKARL> I’ll let you know when it opens
[17:01] <+Jon1984> Yeah, I know, www.stefankarlfanclub.com,right?
01[17:01] <@Razoth> Alright, last question. What do you think of the costume designs in the show? Did Magnus decide on the final designs and look of all the characters?
[17:02] <+steinunn> we have to go …thank you all…you were great
01[17:02] <@Razoth> How do you feel about Robbie’s main costume?
01[17:02] <@Razoth> Oops. Ok. XD
01[17:02] <@Razoth> Thank you so VERY much for coming.
[17:02] <+STEFANKARL> Thank you so mutch, it was great talking to you all! Let’s meet in 4 weeks!!!
[17:02] <+Jon1984> Thanks Stefan and Steinunn! :)
01[17:02] <@Razoth> Alright. You know how to reach me! :)
[17:02] <+STEFANKARL> collect some more questions and then shoot!!!
[17:02] <+Jon1984> Drop me a line if you’d like, Stefan.
[17:03] <+Jon1984> I’m on Facebook a lot.
01[17:03] <@Razoth> Takk fyrir komina
[17:03] <+STEFANKARL> I will, thank you for organizing this
01[17:03] <@Razoth> Not a problem. :)
[17:03] <+steinunn> thank you razoth
01[17:03] <@Razoth> Have a good rest of the weekend!
[17:03] <+STEFANKARL> good job with the Icelandic: Takk somuleidis
[17:03] <+STEFANKARL> ditto, bye
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