Sunday, December 16, 2018

Stefán Karl in The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

Played the role of Simeon Panteleyitch Ephikhodof from 2000 to 2001

“Simeon Panteleyitch Ephikhodof is a young clerk who works on the estate. He is a comic character, and his nickname is “Twenty-Two Misfortunes” (or “Two and Twenty Hard Knocks,” depending on the translation). His entrances and exits are generally marked by his falling on or off stage. He is infatuated with Dunyasha, but she does not return his interest. At the end of the play, Lopakhin employs him. Ephikhodof is an optimistic figure, because despite the disasters which constantly follow him, he is always relatively happy. He accepts fate as it comes to him, and he deals with it calmly, if not gracefully. He also has an enormous capacity to laugh at himself, and this ability perhaps contributes to his good humor. Perhaps his significance is that we should never take ourselves too seriously: if we do, we will be disappointed, but if we don’t, we can still be content even under adversity.”

“Stefán chat from late 2008″

I’m mainly making a post about this here so I can archive it and well share it with others since it’s interesting , grabbed it from here LazytownRpg originally it was on the Lazytown LiveJournal Group.

“After the whole issue in the summer of 2008 where we feared Stefan wouldn’t be returning to the role of Robbie Rotten, one of the moderators for the Lazy Town LiveJournal group made contact with him and his wife to arrange an IRC chat with him to answer questions concerning his role, career, and future plans. 

I just found that I had made a copy of it and thought everyone here would like to read it. (I apologise for my own lame question, because all the ones I would have asked had been.)” 

Whole interview undercut

Photos of “Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ” 
from the archived site “”

Stefán Karl at Spretta

Spretta ehf. was founded in 2015 by the pop-up company Pop People, owned by Soffía Steingrímsdóttur, who runs a smart farm where breeding is cultivated. Stefán Karl Stefánsson, actor, is the managing director of the company and supervises cultivation and installation.

Microgreens are the first leaves and stems of herbs and vegetable plants. Microgreens are usually 7-14 days old and 3-8 centimeters tall. No fertilizer is used in the production, either in liquid or in the mold. Bordered foods are calorie-free foods that contain a lot of essential nutrients and therefore the ideal addition to daily food.

Microgreens can be grown in a wide range. Virtually all vegetables and herbs can be brewed, such as green peas, radishes, beetroot, celery, salads, herbs and so on. Microgreens make the food look beautiful, stiff and tasteful and they can be enjoyed in many ways. They are sneaky with nutrients, many of which contain 4-6 times higher amounts of vitamins and antioxidants than full-grown plants. Antioxidants help to prevent cellular damage.

Interview with Stefán Karl Source

More of Stefán at Peter Pipers Pizza’s meet and greet

Translated Interview undercut with photos of the meet and greet

Í Túrett Og Moll - 2009

Artist: Stefán Karl Stefánsson 
Genre: Children’s Music 
Label: Sena

Track list

  1. Digga Digga Dú 
  2. Sumarfrí 
  3. Slúðurberi 
  4. Einmana Hljómsveit 
  5. Gnú 
  6. Pollamót 
  7. Grænmetisneitendur 
  8. Eru Ekki Allir Í Stuði 
  9. Léttlynda Löggan 
  10. Ekki Við Hæfi Barna 
  11. Þróunarkenningin 
  12. Nú Hárið er Sviðið 
  13. Afavísur 
  14. Einhver Annar En Ég Er 
Sites to listen to the album
  1. Amazon
  2. Icelandicmusic
  3. Spotify
  4. Apple Music
  5. Google Play
  6. Tidal

Stefán Karl in over 50 different roles 4.7.2009 (Article)

The journalist and spokesperson Eydís Elfa went to Stefán Karl and concluded that he was a “veeery good man”.

The two Stefán Karl Stefánsson and Gísli Rúnar Jónsson made a new family CD the album called a fun name “Í túrett og moll”. In The disc is a song that is equally well-liked by young and old as they can listen to it both enchanted with the rhythm and laugh at the lyrics. Stefán Karl plays an unprecedented role
and sings about the various dynti and duttlunga (a lot of whims). 

On the occasion of the release the young journalist, Eydís Elfa, went to meet Stefán Karl and talked to him about the new album.

Stefán Karl at Sesame Place

Part 1 of the 2009 showing

Part 2 of the 2009 showing

Teaser for the 2014 showing

More of the 2014 showing

Stefán Karl at Sesame Place from 2009 and 2014

Stefán’s Robbie Rotten Makeup

Video Process for the makeup usually 

takes nearly 2 hours

Stefán hitting the gym for his role